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Registered on:10/3/2008
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[quote]But you'll pay taxes on the 401K rollover if you do that. Your tax rate today might be much higher than at retirement. I'd leave it in the Fidelity 401K at least for now, while you ponder the right approach for you.[/quote] OP, please just don't listen to this dumbass. ...

re: When do you refinance?

Posted by thegreatboudini on 7/25/24 at 5:41 pm
[quote]my money is on babytac alter[/quote] [link=(https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/display.aspx?sp=114190078&s=1&p=114190038)]LINK[/link]...
[quote]In Dallas it's about $500k for a starter home in a safe area within 30 minute commute of downtown. I make a little over 6 figures and cannot afford to buy a home here. It's very disheartening[/quote] But as a single dude in Dallas, do you need to buy a 3/2 starter home? My suggestion i...
[quote]frick deer. Most useless dumbass creature.[/quote] [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952vl19whcmm5hrlm48c90cczjyi7oomj5ww1bu4v32&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...
I'm happy to hear this story. It's less about servicing the debt, and more about buying an expensive vehicle, regardless of interest rate, is a really bad use of capital to me. Sometimes you have to do it, and I just did it, but I did it as pain free and sensible as I could in buying a reaso...
[quote]The cab appeals to me so my son won't have other people in the car distracting him.[/quote] Because Todd in the passenger seat and KenLeigh riding bitch won't be a distraction. ...
Last month I left the house to go acquire a Ford Expedition for the wife. We have a 2yr old and a new one showing up in 2 months, so we too needed some space. I went to 3 dealerships, and they were absolutely miserable to work with. Had online listings at ~61k, and somehow got OTD at ~74k+ becau...
My $0.02 is that happiness improves when financial stress is reduced or eliminated. That requires you to do some work, too, as you can't just continue to spend as income increases. My last piece, after you get to that point you should find people who you enjoy to work with. I am in the c...
That's fair, but I feel like I regressed when I changed my set to an improved set. I'm not shaping shite. I'm playing bogey golf and drinking Dos Equis and I'm fine with that. I want less clubs to pick from that are easier to hit. ...
I'm not a great golfer by any means. I shoot in the 90s, my best rounds of my life have been high 80s, and none of them have come in recent years. I shot a legit 91 a few weeks back and enjoyed the round. Now, the clubs. A decade ago I was hitting an improvement set, I forget the woods but t...
[quote]Had it last night, it was really good. Base cookies and cream ice cream, with a background flavor of cheese cake. Nice chunks of cheese cake throughout the portion I had.[/quote] Stop. My penis can only get so erect....

re: TGIF Watch thread

Posted by thegreatboudini on 7/20/24 at 6:20 am
[quote]Just bought one of the limited blue ones. Really surprised how nice it is for the price point.[/quote] The navy blue sunburst dial, or the blue with tan arabic markers? Either way, great watch. I agree these are high value watches. If you rewind 5 years they were 400-500 less than t...

re: Middle aged men of the OT

Posted by thegreatboudini on 7/19/24 at 12:45 pm
BabyTac, stop posting. ...

re: Elon Sick of California

Posted by thegreatboudini on 7/16/24 at 9:10 pm
[quote]but why move to a shithole state like TX ?[/quote] Coming from the guy working All State insurance claims in Houston. Congrats, brother. ...
[quote]Won’t be building for at least 2 years. We plan to save about $5000 a month towards a new house each month we are in the shop home[/quote] Well with this information added, in 2 years you'll have 170k cash on hand with likely more reasonable interest rates, on top of likely making more mon...
I was going to vote for trump anyway. The assassination attempt made me buy a bunch of MAGA swag for the first time because now I'm intentionally trying to ruffle feathers. ...
I learned that making a big pot of jambalaya/gumbo/red beans/spaghetti on Sunday night and portioning it up for lunch and dinners throughout the week made me a sick piece of shite in her eyes. ...

re: FBD Hot Balls

Posted by thegreatboudini on 7/13/24 at 2:44 pm
FBD is a Barrow brewing kick flip picking up a cheese stick pizza. HFFTF is always the ticket. [img]https://i.postimg.cc/K8dk866L/IMG-2012.jpg[/img]...
[quote]Damn. What kind of psycho steals a pregnant woman?[/quote] Definitely one of those guys who needs his arse kicked. ...