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Registered on:10/1/2008
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What drove people out was the forced bussing of black students from black schools not even close to our neighorhood. The crime rate increased, people moved, black people moved in, violence in the schools increased. I was there. This is a fact. If you look at this particular part of town now and if y...
This book came out way before Charleston, way before Ferguson, way before Baltimore. This book is the truth and it is fact. I was in the same neighborhood, same school and same environment as the author. If you can't handle the truth, which is our truth, don't reduce yourself to calling people names...
The church in North Baton Rouge that I grew up in where I was baptized and taught me everything I know about Christianity banned black people from our church and even had "Deacons" standing at the front door as security. This was in 1970's. I was there and it's a fact. ...