Favorite team:US Army 
Number of Posts:1302
Registered on:9/8/2004
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re: What triggers your gout attack?

Posted by tigerinexile on 7/23/24 at 8:31 am
I think sugar triggers mine 2 donuts and I’m gonna have trouble walking the next day. ...
I have a 50/50 chance of getting my packages with FedEx the usps is by far the best delivery service in my area. ...
Wisc Ariz Ga Penn If they (democrats) can “win” these 4 it’s going to be a horse race ...
Mountains anytime of year...

re: Unfortunately it's over for Joe

Posted by tigerinexile on 7/18/24 at 8:59 am
He’s probably waiting for a guarantee that he and the dope head will be pardoned before he bows out and keeps the skeletons in the closet. ...
Just leave the windows open so you don’t have to worry about cleaning up all that glass. ...
He got a letter at the funeral. ...
[quote]quote: Police command ordered confiscation of citizen’s legal weapons leaving them defenseless against roving mobs. Link?[/quote] Didn’t that happen after Katrina?...
It’s almost like they put crisis actors in as ss agents ...
Find out who his “therapist “ is and all the questions will be answered ...
He would have been better off if he had his own private security ...
Basic training. It sucked at the time but as I look back it was one of the greatest experiences of my entire life. ...
Rich uncle gave me a job and a place to stay so left home at 18. ...
We were poor as shite every extra penny my parents had went to pay for catholic school. Somehow my dad managed to take us to Washington DC for a week. I was in awe first vacation that wasn’t in grand isle and to be there in dc at that time was mind blowing to me. I have since been around the world an...

re: Trump will be jailed…

Posted by tigerinexile on 7/4/24 at 5:25 am
More likely that they would attempt to get rid of him permanently. They have plenty of disposable people to try it. ...
We have a 2 party system. There is no difference between the two ...
[quote]Seeing Vlad and Kim getting along probably has the DC neocons fuming[/quote] Probably got them excited they can fire up that old war machine and crank out some money and get rid of some poor peasants children at the same time. Bonus would be an attack on America so they could steal the ele...

re: Port Allen to Baton Rouge

Posted by tigerinexile on 6/20/24 at 11:46 am
It’s only bad on days that end in y. The intercostal bridge is the real nightmare. ...