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Registered on:7/28/2008
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Enjoyed it....did not look like she had work done best I could tell but who knows...

re: College Applications question

Posted by Bamboozles on 1/12/25 at 10:11 pm
If he plans to go to LSU, none of that matters. With decent grades and a good ACT score he will be covered for the most part with TOPS. Out of state schools will give him more than in state schools....
Finished few days back. Good show, enjoyed it ETA: yes some decisions by characters seemed done to let the story line go forward but that was ok imho...

re: The Shadow Strays on Netflix

Posted by Bamboozles on 1/8/25 at 12:48 pm
Raid 2, albeit a lil longer, is great too. ...

re: The Shadow Strays on Netflix

Posted by Bamboozles on 1/8/25 at 7:35 am
To each their own but I enjoyed it, was a good ride!...

The Shadow Strays on Netflix

Posted by Bamboozles on 1/8/25 at 6:39 am
Indonesian movie, plot is ok, but highlight is the mind numbing action from start to finish, grotesque action kinda at times....and yes it's two and a half hours long!!...
You wrote all this in the hope that this gets Bama in. Superstitious much?...
Added some Cliffs from first few mins. Prolly won't finish listening till some time tomorrow. But this guy predicted a Trump win and is supposedly very accurate with his predictions FWIW. I have seen his world predictions video few days back....
SIAP Craig Hamilton Parker is well renowned globally for having accurate predictions.....in this YT video he talks specifically about predictions for US, specifically with regards to Trump and upcoming 4 years. I found it interesting so sharing! [embed]https://www.youtube.com/live/FxAQW_bxO...
Has anyone suggested for him to get a bigger dog to let her know who's boss? That's my 2 cents...
IEJT checking in Only con imho, but its not that often, is losing electricity during any substantial storm event because of the combo of majestic oaks and above ground power lines. Otherwise its the best...
Based on first name and confirmed by looks, prolly Indian (dot) heritage. ...

re: Poor things you still do

Posted by Bamboozles on 11/11/24 at 7:10 pm
Shop around for grocery sales/deals...
Glad to see level headed opinions that call out hypocrisy ...
Everything from The View, Kimmel, Colbert and lot more covered. Rant at 8min mark for the win [embed]https://youtu.be/UyepPzavgjI?si=s_HoHCTaPllU7b-F[/embed]...
Seriously, day time talk shows a late night shows will be minting next 4 years. They may hate Trump but this is a win for those frickers...
Can't wait for the cry babies, soy boys to melt the frick up!...
Like a typical guy's sex life, all it took was 30 secs...