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That's not a daughter. Trans daughter means son in regular English, correct? It has a sick so it's a son. Those are the rules. ...

re: Trump +1 in NYT GE Poll

Posted by thetempleowl on 7/25/24 at 5:22 pm
Trump up 7 in most recent Rasmussen poll. Wow. Wonder how marvelous the battleground states look in that poll......
[quote]This is the first time I've heard this angle, saying donors swooped in and made him and Jill an offer they couldn't refuse, book deals etc.[/quote] I have literally been saying that family got between between 50 and 100 million dollars for a long time at this point. They got money, the...
First of all, there isn't any way in this or any universe that she could read that let alone say it. It is a word salad of intersections buzzwords. Basically changes in migration and reasons for that means you need to change your way thinking. Her ideas did that. Using liberal ideas,...
I happen to not think she is because she is such a crappy candidate. I'm not sure anyone if anyone on the democratic side wants to jump in on this election except Harris who is a moron. And I have to think she will have a hard time finding a good running mate. They may give her a shot ti...

re: Dems With a Curve

Posted by thetempleowl on 7/24/24 at 4:27 pm
[quote]Now that would be funny [/quote] Funny how? Like a clown or funny strange. Goodfellas reference I think. It would be funny strange. No way they would do that. [quote]and intriguing[/quote] Not at all. [quote]Not to mention brilliant.[/quote] Explain that to me? The...
So shapiro seems like a smart guy for a Democrat. That is a qualifier. He might even be a genius for a Democrat. That makes him slightly above average intelligence for a republican. . I just can see why you would hook your train up to kamala Harris. She is a disaster. Now if the democrats...
[quote]He predicted Gore over W but maintains that Gore really won so he's 10 for 10.[/quote] OG election denier! Here's an interesting little tidbit. Rasmussen is common out tomorrow demonstrating a significant trump lead. I just saw a poll that almost 3 out of 4 democrats would prefe...
[quote]Kamala Harris is a Polished Political Turd, [/quote] That is a horrible incorrect thing to say. First of all she is not polished. Second of all that statement is an insult to tired everywhere......
[quote]Misogyny[/quote] Without reading any more everyone could tell you are a sky screaming liberal. [quote]helpless men who dominate this board[/quote] No, you mean dominate democratic underground. Everyone here just wants the government t to leave them alone. [quote]who are perp...
Just remember, she isn't the nominee yet. They can be flipped again just like they were flipped from biden. So, one had to wonder if the democrats are willing to burn one of their top flight candidates if they think this is a lost elections. If the democrats feel it is lost they they will ...
I couldn't see the lady. Did she not throw the water at them like the cop said?...
This is what I've been saying would happen since the date of the debate were set. And the 25th amendment was almost the self destruct button for them. But democrats don't care. They will blow it all up for them to retain power. ...
Look, if they went to such extreme lengths to frick everything up to allow this idiot that close, they would've gotten a better shooter. This is where all the theories break down. They go to extraordinary lengths to get a shower into great position to take a shot but use a crappy shooter? ...
The money is not just running into Harris. That first day or so was the blocked up money they had dammed up to force biden out. Trump is getting large amounts of money as well though the democrats will get more. A Harris presidency, or a democratic one by a clueless one will continue to be d...
It cute that some think they would allow this moron to do anything. She is a figurehead. The same people will be deciding policy. Nothing will change. ...
Well think about this. You are a rising star for the democrats. Do you seriously agree to hook your wagon to Harris? If you lose, then you are pretty much done. So again, during a short cycle do you book your wagon up to Harris? Smart people who could wait would say frick no. ...

re: Delete

Posted by thetempleowl on 7/22/24 at 7:45 pm
This isn't him. It's a hoax. ...