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How do you conclude that’s a scope vs a red dot sight, perhaps with a flip magnifier in front of it? ...
[quote]He already used lyin with Ted Cruz, c'mon Donny boy[/quote] Ted was renamed “Lion Ted” once he came around, so Lyin’ became available for reapplication to Kamala....

re: Forget everything else…

Posted by Jack Bauers HnK on 7/20/24 at 9:50 pm
[quote]But getting a tattoo as a minor is illegal[/quote] You’re close. The question they will eventually ask is why a child can block his or her own puberty, or surgically “change” their sex, but can’t engage in a little intercourse with an adult....
[quote]I guarantee that the majority of people posting on this board would be celebrating if Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, or George Soros were shot.[/quote] Weird how all the left has is speculation as to what we would do, when we have actual evidence as to what they do. For being the most well arme...
[quote]As distasteful as it is, hoping someone dies is not a crime.[/quote] Perhaps not, but there’s a difference between hoping in your mind, and publicly encouraging the shooter (or implicitly some other person) to be more successful in a future attempt, wouldn’t you say?...

re: Biden waiting to get paid

Posted by Jack Bauers HnK on 7/17/24 at 10:57 pm
[quote]The only trouble with that is that paying him to go away only works if you got someone right behind him that can win.[/quote] Perhaps there could be some value to them in salvaging some down ballot votes even if they don’t think there’s any chance of keeping the White House....
[quote]Told her go to the chiro and called my attorney. What would have been a $1000 claim up being much more.[/quote] Exhibit A when someone complains about premiums in Louisiana. Someone who wasn’t injured and would not have otherwise treated went to a chiropractor, lied about her injuries, and...
[quote]That's a good way to get killed.[/quote] So if the Leo shot the would be assassin, that gunshot signs the LEO’s death warrant?...

re: Security Expert Here

Posted by Jack Bauers HnK on 7/14/24 at 9:27 am
[quote]Just get him off the stage oh my god.[/quote] Sounds like you’d like him to be cowering instead of defiant in the face of danger. A little projection perhaps?...
If they don’t change, every time they try to pull out that rhetoric, the immediate response is to call them out as trying to incite the next attempt. Make them own the position that if Trump is such an existential threat to all that is supposedly good, then it’s only righteous for these attempts to ...
Perhaps they only see the civilian pointing up at the roof trying to get their attention. How long was the sniper hidden by the peak of the roof line before he popped up and took his first shot? I doubt he climbed up the side of the building facing Trump’s venue. Obviously a failure to secure t...
[quote]I wonder if he was taken out by a counter-sniper.[/quote] If that’s an exit wound on his right neck, that would be where the round would have exited on a head shot while he was lying prone aiming at Trump....
[quote]yeh, what was that? He glanced up quickly right before the shots like he saw it but was not in his scope than clumsily tried to reposition his tripod? Looks like he had a "oh shoot" moment or something.[/quote] Combined with the civilian account of the guy pointing up at the roof, I wonder...
[quote]Insurance companies make up these on a daily basis. They use politician to funnel our money to big corporations and then give a little back to the politicians.[/quote] Show your work. Insurance companies are regulated entities. They publish financial reports to show premiums accepted, unde...
[quote]Wtf actually happens when your insurance company won’t pay? Do you just live in a fema trailer the rest of your life?[/quote] An insurance policy is a contract. It spells out the conditions under which the insurer is obligated to pay you. Just because you think the insurer should pay you ...
So what happens when Trump walks over and speaks into Biden’s microphone? ...
[quote]The insurance companies don't help things. My SIL got hit and has a fairly new truck. [b]No injuries[/b] and minor damage. Probably $2500 - $3000. Insurance wouldn't pay. He finally had to get an attorney & got a payout of $30K. They could have just fixed his truck.[/quote] So she wasn’t i...
[quote]The broad sweeping tort reform passed in the summer of covid did NOTHING for auto insurance rates.[/quote] The “broad sweeping tort reform” did nothing to reduce payouts to plaintiffs. Accordingly, premiums did not go down. When’s the last time you heard a plaintiff attorney say they a...
[quote]So tired of this "allegedly" BS[/quote] Standard journalism as I understand it. If they drop the allegedly, they can be sued for libel/defamation. They would be factually claiming someone committed a crime before they’ve been convicted of such crime....
[quote]The President of the Universal Society of Hinduism Rajan Zed said in a statement that the Bhagavad Gita, or the Gita, was a historically significant document and he believes is a treasure that should be displayed in public school classrooms.[/quote] While it may be a “historically signific...