Favorite team:LSU 
Biography:Survived 4,828 assasination attempts (so far)
Interests:lighting myself on fire then running around in circles.
Occupation:Retired Superhero
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Registered on:4/30/2008
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re: How is Travinski out?

Posted by Nutriaitch on 5/3/24 at 9:58 pm
[quote]Clearly didn’t happen[/quote] I agree. Just guessing at what the hell they called....

re: How is Travinski out?

Posted by Nutriaitch on 5/3/24 at 9:53 pm
[quote]someone show me some proof that supports the call on the field[/quote] I think it's a bullshite call, but best I can do is quote official NCAA rulebook: [quote]Nongame personnel or spectator interference occurs when nongame personnel (someone other than players, coaches or umpires) or a ...
[quote]Isn't it amazing that dinosaurs are never mentioned in any ancient text, yet dragons are mentioned in almost every ancient culture[/quote] we probably talking about the same damn creatures "Dragon": [img]https://images.rawpixel.com/image_png_800/cHJpdmF0ZS9sci9pbWFnZXMvd2Vic2l0ZS8yMDIy...
[quote]Bear or human male?[/quote] does the bear kill me quick? or just slowly maul me until I bleed out? is the dude one of those douche bags that has to constantly talk about shite that's not even remotely relevant in my life? or can he just shut up and help me kill supper? because tha...
[quote]This is the only reason that movie made any money.[/quote] that and 90s nostalgia. or at least that's the reason I watched it....

re: Anyone had mono as an adult?

Posted by Nutriaitch on 5/3/24 at 2:51 pm
my record player has a mono setting....
[quote]They put their pants on one leg at a time same as us.[/quote] I don't know man. That cult does some weird arse shite. I wouldn't just assume anything they doing is normal ...

re: Remember the Titans

Posted by Nutriaitch on 5/2/24 at 1:41 pm
[quote] I knew it had to have a little extra drama but still.[/quote] the real story is still a cool story, but probably not a "great movie" type tory....

re: Remember the Titans

Posted by Nutriaitch on 5/2/24 at 1:40 pm
[quote]Gary Bertier was paralyzed by a drunk driver but that occurred in the spring after the championship game. [/quote] he was paralyzed in a single car accident when he hit a pole. they blamed it on something being wrong with car's suspension or something if I remember right. the drunk dri...

re: Remember the Titans

Posted by Nutriaitch on 5/2/24 at 12:59 pm
[quote]Some of the sports stuff is definitely dramatized (which I get)[/quote] from what I've read, a LOT of it was changed to make a better movie. Gerry and Julius were nowhere near as close as the movie portrays. They were friends, but not "brothers" like in the movie. The racial tension...

re: Favorite Fictional Band

Posted by Nutriaitch on 5/2/24 at 10:27 am
[quote]actually should be number 1.[/quote] In the summer of '63, "on the dark side" [b][i]Was[/i][/b] the number one song in the country....
define “excessive drinkers” the 80% of Louisiana that aren’t “excessive drinkers” would drown the rest of the country in Alcohol. ...

re: whats your learning disability?

Posted by Nutriaitch on 5/1/24 at 10:17 pm
as i get older, i get sidetracked very easily. if im in the middle of something at work and have to take a phone call, i handle the phone call then completely forget to go back to whatever it was that i was doing before the call. ...

re: Favorite Fictional Band

Posted by Nutriaitch on 5/1/24 at 3:20 pm
Eddie and the Cruisers [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/4fE77OmwVaI/maxresdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEmCIAKENAF8quKqQMa8AEB-AH-CYAC0AWKAgwIABABGEQgSCh_MA8=&rs=AOn4CLBuYwbQfWHSeMT2at9aE1BMfauFzA[/img]...
[quote]Congrats on being a soyboi. That horse is ugly[/quote] not the part your be motorboating...
[quote]I want to know what are the odds of Grambling winning Omaha[/quote] winning Omaha? considerably less than 1% dominating the High School ranks? somewhere over 95% vast majority of high schoolers never even play NAIA ball. let alone Div 1. ...
[quote]why if they didn’t?[/quote] because we now treat Tulane like every other in state school and play them on a rotating basis. Tualne was charging exhorbiant amounts for tickets to the LSU games in New Orleans and forcing fans to buy season long packages to watch online just to be able to...
[quote]you're better off casting someone from Britain or Australia than most of the US.[/quote] because they probably research and study it with less of a preconceived notion than Americans. Americans go in thinking they know what it sounds like....

re: Odessa/Midland

Posted by Nutriaitch on 4/30/24 at 7:45 am
[quote]I’m from Odessa. It’s in Odessa.[/quote] I live and work in Odessa. there ain't no Waffle House here....

re: Odessa/Midland

Posted by Nutriaitch on 4/29/24 at 6:22 pm
[quote]This baw either grew up or spent some time in the area.[/quote] or watched Friday Night Lights...