Favorite team:New Orleans Saints 
Location:Dallas, Tx.
Occupation:Social Chemist
Number of Posts:30167
Registered on:4/11/2008
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[quote] Is it worth watching, or is it just something else on Netflix that’s talking shite about Christians? Evenly handed and heavy handed are two different things.[/quote] The game its based on is a good vs evil type thing where the players have to make decisions based on their chosen path. ...
I saw a trailer for this and heard that it was inspired by a modern [card? board?] game... which didn't compute with what I was watching. Then I saw Mike Judge (King of the Hill, Beavis & Butthead) was involved and gave it a watch. First one was mostly setup and was OK... Took until the 3rd e...
[img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71RPVELHCTL._AC_SL1500_.jpg width=500[/img]...

re: NHL 2023-2024 Thread

Posted by yurintroubl on 5/1/24 at 7:06 pm
Otter taking a damn nap. :snoozer: :casty:...

re: NHL 2023-2024 Thread

Posted by yurintroubl on 5/1/24 at 6:59 pm
Stars special teams trying to make up for some pp boo-boos earlier in this series. :dude:...
Diane Lane turned down the mermaid role in Splash to be in Streets of Fire....

re: Pels vs Thunder 2

Posted by yurintroubl on 4/24/24 at 9:42 pm
These refs are unfrickingbelievable. And the talking heads are throwing next level sunshine all over it. ...
[quote]Is this show even about a murderer? That doesn't explain any of the bullshitr in episode 4 like the busted ear drums. [/quote] Well... They're getting closer to the person they're looking for in both cases. Here's the right question - What does it take to light a Christmas tree on a ...
Raiders of the Lost Ark The Fifth Element The Right Stuff...

re: Funniest movie you've seen?

Posted by yurintroubl on 1/31/24 at 6:13 pm
I will go with a few that actually made me laugh to the point of tears: Young Frankenstein Dirty Rotten Scoundrels A Fish Called Wanda and the hardest I've ever laughed during a movie... Noises Off - The entire "3rd Act" was an ab workout. ETA: Honorable mention to both Grumpy Old M...

re: Oldie: Shopping Cart Theory

Posted by yurintroubl on 10/1/23 at 1:44 pm
[quote]I work at Walmart and I sit in my truck every day on my lunch hour and just watch people. So I know at least half of the do-gooders in this thread are full of shite.[/quote] Not full of shite - Just don't grocery shop at your WalMart....

re: Oldie: Shopping Cart Theory

Posted by yurintroubl on 9/30/23 at 12:29 am
[quote]Nawlens Gator[/quote] Probability of food stains on bed linens: 100%...
Russia is just trying to get more warm-water ports and overland right-of-ways so they can keep up with China at plundering Africa. Putin isn't trying to protect Russia's natural resources - He's going after the low-hanging fruit in Africa....

re: Oldie: Shopping Cart Theory

Posted by yurintroubl on 9/29/23 at 11:32 pm
[quote]Not putting the cart back in the cart corral because of human trafficking may be the most hilarious excuse I’ve ever read the mental gymnastics are Olympian[/quote] I was thinking the same thing. I also feel sorry for those 2 guys who got the cops called on them when they just wanted to...
Is there a guy tied to a spinning wheel off camera? Because I've seen acts like that before... but never with such an ambitious dance intro. [img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExMmFtdGg2c3U1c2ZyMzFpNnkwYzd5eWhoYmE1bXVxM2VhYTVubGhvbiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/l0MYN...
[quote]Ramczyk gave up 3 pressures and 2 sacks on Sunday. Penning - 1 pressure [/quote] He made up for his lack of pressures allowed with missed assignments run blocking and a couple of penalties committed (one of which GB had the luxury of declining IIRC)....
They recruited him from an upstate trap shooting club where he was renowned for playing both ways. Equally adept at hitting targets and slinging clay pigeons....
[quote]Very good odds OL may hold in the end zone [/quote] Would be just the type of thing Penning would do as a change of pace vs being a turnstile....
[quote]Really liked what I saw from Penning when he was out there. It’s safe to say now he’s the starting LT[/quote] Are we watching the same game?...