Favorite team:New Orleans Saints 
Location:Dallas, Tx.
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Registered on:4/11/2008
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I liked Season 2 but felt like it ended one episode too soon.
I doubt that airplane could've even seen that helo prior to impact. The plane banking down and away from above it...


I should have just said "Agree with that 100%"

The CACA goes off and the alarm is normally audible out of a speaker in the tower

Watching a live feed from DC Local Fox 5 and their guest expert just said the airplane pilot would get an ORAL collision warning... then realized he probably meant an AURAL collision warning. Perhap

Cannot confirm veracity of information. through a 3rd party and not someone I know personally:

IEDs were on a timer. Scheduled to go off at 12AM. Vehicular Attack was supposed to be the secondary attack.

Well considering he didn't place the coolers until after 12;30....


Just added an ETA to my previous post. :cheers:


I'm trying to visualize him walking down Bourbon at 1 AM

He could have parked closer to the other end of Bourbon and walked a short distance to drop them off then got back in the truck and drove to Canal.

I'm thinking he probably walked up Royal; from his AirBnB...p

So FBI says no one else involved. Who set his Airbnb on fire?

There are tons of ways to start a fire on a time delay. Especially if you aren't concerned with people figuring out it was arson.

FBI said one on corner of Bourbon and Orleans (street behind Cathedral).

Tryin' to take out Touchdown Jesus?
[quote]From my understanding he was an E6 and did two contracts on active with one deployment. Most of the time he was a nobody but there have been reports of honorable discharge with possibility of a few work place issues at the end of his active time, possibly due to his religion.[b] He then appli

I've seen it all.


ave not seen any commentary on The Mayfair Witches. I can guess as to why, but with Alexandra Daddario, I figured it was worth a look see

I loved Witching Hour but thought the books got progressively worse in the "Trilogy"...This TV version is an ABOMINATION. Takes all the potenti
"The Right Stuff" is a glaring omission IMO.

I thought the season was over at 8 episodes. Glad it's actually 10 episodes.

That's good information... because I just watched episode 9... and I was about to be PISSED if that was how they ended the season. :cheers:
As much as I loved the show - I couldn't (still can't) stand the opening credit backing track for the first 2 seasons of Farscape. I get why they went "out there quirky" during the initial monologue part... but the discordant vocals afterward make my ears want to vomit.


I love the writing on this show

S4E01 is kinda the same but very different initially before settling back to it's more familiar tone...VERY meta and overtly self-aware. Love it when the industry can poke fun at itself.
The Prestige and The Usual Suspects are tops in my book.

One that hasn't been mentioned yet...

Shooting, Rugby, Judo, Fencing, etc . .

Those are some of the awarded Gold medals to China, Japan, Italy, France, and others.

USA also won a Gold Medal in Fencing today.

Is it worth watching, or is it just something else on Netflix that’s talking shite about Christians? Evenly handed and heavy handed are two different things.

The game its based on is a good vs evil type thing where the players have to make decisions based on their chosen path.

I saw a trailer for this and heard that it was inspired by a modern [card? board?] game... which didn't compute with what I was watching.

Then I saw Mike Judge (King of the Hill, Beavis & Butthead) was involved and gave it a watch. First one was mostly setup and was OK... Took until the 3rd e