Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Where the Down Boys go.
Biography:LSU grad
Interests:Football, cooking, and sex. Not necessarily in that order.
Occupation:Mad scientist.
Number of Posts:47916
Registered on:3/19/2008
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Recent Posts

Finished the first 3 episodes with the wife last night. Didn’t really have anything to watch so this seemed like a show we might like. First we are both really enjoying it so far. Second how many episodes to I have to watch before I stop calling the main character Homelander :lol: Third the barten...

re: Pictures from days gone by....

Posted by BOSCEAUX on 7/25/24 at 6:46 am
[quote]Henry Clifford with his fiance Margaret Mitchell in Atlanta. He was killed in France a few weeks before the end of [b]WWI[/b]. She later wrote Gone With the Wind, modeling the character Ashley Wilkes after Clifford. Gone With the Wind was published in 1936, and the movie was released in 1940...
I have two. One is stupid and happened to me the other happened to my mom and I think about it often. Mine. Hauling arse in a boat I’ve been hit in the head by a jumping mullet twice. Hurt like hell both times and the second one nearly knocked me out. Luckily I was the passenger both times. ...
Shapiro probably has the best chance of all Democrats in 2028. Can’t believe he would hitch his wagon to that imbecile. ...

This has to be a simulation.

Posted by BOSCEAUX on 7/22/24 at 11:56 pm
GOP nominee for President - Assassination attempt. Current President - States he is not seeking reelection on X after adamantly saying just days prior he would not drop out. And the tweet is odd to say the least. Current President - has not been seen in public since before the tweet. Cur...
How the hell does someone that stupid make it through law school. I know she apparently sucks a mean dick but the amount of dicks she had to suck beginning with remedial algebra through the Bar exam must be staggering. ...
The spoils of having the ultimate frick you money. shite talking all day on a social media outlet you own. :lol: I love it. ...
I want it all released. This country would shite out its mouth when they found out we elected a murderer POTUS. Looking at you Daddy Bush. Like someone mentioned earlier LBJ let it happen because of money tied to Brown and Root and Bell Helicopter. ...
[quote]People still watch and talk about this show? Didn't know we had this many purple haired angry lesbians on td.[/quote] This thread would be about 6 pages if Sammy wasn’t a Disney apologist and Madking had something more important to do than frick with him :lol:...
I may be forgetting something obvious but has Starlight always been able to fly?? GenV kids being homelanders thugs was a nice touch. Really want to see what powers that Ashley gets. It looked like her brain was enlarging. Maybe she becomes the smartest person alive. I was hoping Soldie...
Just finished Terminal List. Was great. Assuming it was a one season show considering how it ended. Watched Santa Clarita Diet and enjoyed it. Was funnier than I was expecting it to be. Thinking of starting Mr. Mercedes on Max. I’ve read the book (all of them) but if the show is decent I think m...
That’s a strong statement. If Romney hates him that’s a ringing endorsement. ...

re: Eyewitness on Ingraham just now

Posted by BOSCEAUX on 7/14/24 at 6:34 pm
There’s no way you are allowed to bring a rifle into the event. He had to have stashed it before the event. Another failure by the advance team. ...
What prominent Republican has called for violence? I think Kari Lake might have said strap up or something like that. But we know Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, etc have all called for physical harassment of Republicans. ...
I’m so glad I’m off work this week. If one of my idiot coworkers said something stupid I’d probably get fired for getting in their face. ...
I really believe the sniper had him in his scope and was told to not engage. The people on the stage except for fatty appeared to do what they could. This falls directly on whoever was leading the detail and calling the shots. ...
Underlings are doing a press conference now about protection for the RNC. They are dodging every question about yesterday. ...
[quote]And you know the crazies over at the View will be going nuts tomorrow, and hopefully they will say something stupid enough to incriminate themselves.[/quote] Yep. I don’t think they have the emotional control to not say something idiotic. ...
I’m thankful everyday Elon bought Twitter. He has completely taken the gloves off now. ...