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Registered on:1/16/2024
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My first reaction is always: [img]https://gifdb.com/images/high/titanic-scared-rose-bukater-xzw0dmaui40u0jbi.gif[/img] Then.... [img]https://y.yarn.co/21a1d439-cd7d-4832-a031-970560b3b7ba_text.gif[/img] Then when they ask for Trump to apologize: [img]https://y.yarn.co/0cdceade-159c-4976-a...
[quote]Another Tucker parrot mouth breathing idiot. EDIT: What is hilarious and also revealing about just how stupid you people are is how easy it was for someone to sell you on the idea that NOT resisting terror, tyranny, aggression, etc. in the world is somehow the "manly" position now. Being a...
[quote] RollTide1987 [b]Responds to a misleading, bad faith, and snarky argument with a middle school put down.[/b][/quote] FIFY. There was no real argument and nothing was "thought-out". Just a triggered neocon rant. ...

re: Desantis shtick was

Posted by GetYouThatCope on 1/20/24 at 6:24 pm
Yes, it was the dumbest strategy by a terribly run campaign of nitwits. He was trying to cut out Trump and insert himself as MAGA leader, but then when it failed he called them a "cult" and now his political future would involve him changing states to become a senator like Mitt. I still can't un...
[quote] It’s literally the only way Biden wins lol- congrats on helping elect uncle Joe [/quote] Hold the salt. Sadly for you, Trump definitely beats Biden, we're only worried about Biden being swapped out for Big Mike. ...
[quote]Again with the tribal populism. He and Biden agree on something, so the position can't be conservative. Let's do it another way. Tell me how it's not conservative using actual conservative principles, not by who else agrees or doesn't agree with it. Or if you can only argue by authority...
[link=(https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/01/20/new-hampshire-primary-2024/desantis-cancels-sunday-tv-hits-00136776)]https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/01/20/new-hampshire-primary-2024/desantis-cancels-sunday-tv-hits-00136776[/link] [quote]Link?[/quote]...
[link=(https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/01/20/new-hampshire-primary-2024/desantis-cancels-sunday-tv-hits-00136776 )]https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/01/20/new-hampshire-primary-2024/desantis-cancels-sunday-tv-hits-00136776[/link] wkaathreetimes, you're pretty often confused...
[quote]When you actually look at that, he’s not being logical. In what way does the war in Ukraine threaten western supply chains. It doesn’t. He states that Russia invading its neighbors is a problem for us, but he presents this out of context, what were we doing in Ukraine and Georgia, he’s tel...
[quote]Ah. Okay. Now that I know what I'm working with I can see that you are just as dumb and naive as the person in your gif. Carry on. [/quote] Who cares what you think when if you actually convinced yourself that neocons haven't been at the helm of US foreign policy since Kennedy was assa...
[quote]I don't know about that. He's a good bit more conservative than most of the populists here.[/quote] I can really sense the "conservativism" here. He sounds exactly like Biden on this. [img]https://i.ibb.co/1Z0fhqw/shapiro.png[/img]...
[quote]So is it your opinion that Ronald Reagan was a neoconservative when he funded and trained the Mujahideen in Afghanistan during the Soviet-Afghan War? Was he also a neoconservative for taking action against governments we didn't like in Central and South America?[/quote] [img]https://i.ma...
[quote][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GEUi1KIXsAA-hkZ?format=png&name=small[/img][/quote] If Ron withdraws, makes a speech how he was misguided and unprepared for this run and that he will work with Don to prevent Haley or Biden, I guarantee you most of Trump base will probably forgive him and ...
[quote]So wanting there to be peace in Ukraine with both sides being granted concessions is considered "neocon" in 2024? From your link: quote: But we are now stuck in this weird binary strawman situation in which we are told that either we must fund Ukraine "until they win, as long as it tak...
[quote]You call him a snake and then you post a picture of a Jewish man speaking to a group of Jewish men. What am I missing here? Please make the connection for me.[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/lI3vrZhRMYIAAAAe/morpheus-i-can-only-show-you-the-door.png[/img]...
[quote]I don't like him because he is basically never-Trump light and not MAGA. I don't care about his Israeli views. As a Christian, I tend to be staunchly pro-Israel.[/quote] The tendency in never-Trumpers is that they also often happen to be fervent neocon shills, which is exactly what Shapiro...
[quote] He wants to use Americas power and wealth to benefit a foreign country. That’s a hostile act.[/quote] Apparently funding Ukriane to the tune of 150 billion and funding their government and pensions is "fiscally conservative" and propagating war in Europe. Oh, and also giving billi...
[quote]The man is about as fiscally and socially conservative as they come.[/quote] ORLY? [img]https://i.ibb.co/1Z0fhqw/shapiro.png[/img]...
[quote]I check out all of his Youtubes and watch about half of them. It depends on topic. He is amazing speaking to college audiences with Q and A. [b]It's easy to destroy left wing moron students[/b] but he does it so politely.[/quote] That's his claim to fame, a way to embed as a "conservativ...
[quote]Yeah I'm not seeing the problem with his stance honestly. I have a lot more in common with him than I do with most.[/quote] Hence the snake in the grass. Israel is for Israel first, which is what you can expect.It's a rational policy. But neocons in US like Nikky Haley love to say that...