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Registered on:12/11/2023
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:cool: confession all--i never read any books and watch way too much sports on tv instead--on a trashiness scale of 1-10, imma 8 me :casty:...
uncle gold pimp toof - i say we let mp t-dub, in whom we all should trust, so opine on the matter i think even u know - #fr33me LOOK WHAT U MADE ME !!! trimmy knows mr hang man knows t-dub knows my employer dph knows ss knows h-baw knows senor kurtz knows kcrap knows gr-tizzle knows...
[quote]rebel[/quote]Aspy a.k.a. Miss Taken thinks Im some loser idiot that stalked her cuz unlike ken and the rest if you simps i have the balls to stand up to her when she's outta line what a convenient defense mechanism to accuse anyone who stands up to her to be some idiot loser stalker dude ...
[quote]I think another inpatient visit is on the horizon.[/quote]as long as Ms. Nursie Nurse (the fine 1 not that other nurse with relationship issues) is there to take care of me then I'm good...
u r relevant bc your user name has weed baked in it weed :bow:...
[quote]Is e-multiple alt personality syndrome a thing?[/quote]twas pondering the name "Kens Testicles" wood b a funny 1 lulz...
ga mp Aspy mp Z-asst33r says he's sorry for being mean 2 u yesterday...
ga mph :cheers: :usa: me lunch colombian g-bo :drool: [img]https://www.thespruceeats.com/thmb/b1N_ZHSKN1zi84NzEiGvECQFYwg=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/colombian-chicken-and-potato-stew-4120146-hero-01-d6dcdf2fe44342d9893b25659ad041c7.jpg[/img]...
[quote]can u arrange a limousine and whores for this evening?[/quote]mp & role model dph has not given me a company c-card...yet i promise 2 use the expense account only 4 booze and buying O-T chicks green dresses...
[quote]did you make the walk-Ons reservations?[/quote]mp & mentor dph decided on M-Anderson's for this year's office luncheon :nana: i will b having bacon-wrapped c-fish w/ raw oysters on top :drool:...
[quote]my new bestie[/quote]ga & tyvm mps :cheers: have a gr8 weekend :usa:...
[quote]take the rest of the day off[/quote]:nana:...
boss--we r out of g-bo spoons & legal pads & the receptionist keeps asking me "wyd after work" & can i go home for the day pls tyvm...
Signing up on behalf of my employer mpdph... :usa:...
sure Boss :cheers: but it appears mpc has his A-reply enabled - he mite b ooo on pto fyi iirc imho ftr frfr no cap :dunno:...