Favorite team:Mississippi St. 
Biography:sordid details
Number of Posts:854
Registered on:11/13/2023
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[quote]This board is full of THEY posts[/quote] It certainly is an echo chamber, that much is fact.[quote]THEY's are trying to kill trump[/quote] "They" did try.[quote]getting rid of Biden[/quote] "They" did get rid of Biden. You're having a hard time with this.[quote]Maybe YOU are gullible shee...

re: Are Shelties the best dogs?

Posted by mudshuvl05 on 7/26/24 at 1:10 pm
[quote]Most herding breeds are incredibly smart.[/quote] we've got a 2 year old corgi that came from herding stock at a sheep and goat farm. She's much smaller and sportier than the backyard bred corgis I normally see, and I'll be damned if she's not one of the smartest, if not [i]the[/i] smartes...
[quote]What they waiting on to burn down a dem city?[/quote] I don't know brother. The people that would be doing it are democrats. An American democrat circa 2024 is a functioning retard. I can't explain their mindset: They're retards. [quote]Trump re-election?[/quote]I barely know my name'...
[quote]Some of you can't discuss facts without being emotional children. [/quote] Discuss [i]the facts [/i] then, Proximo. I say the man, as an agent of the state, is a murderer. So tell us ignorant Mississippians, oh ratioed one: [i]what are the facts[/i]? [i][b]Enlighten me[/b][/i]?...

re: Which double did they use tonight?

Posted by mudshuvl05 on 7/24/24 at 10:38 pm
[quote]Which double did they use tonight?[/quote] A double? You must've watched a different newscast than I did a few minutes ago on Twitter: They WISH they had a double. The man never looked away from the teleprompter. He was fighting for his life. It's like they told him he was a goner if he d...
[quote]If [b]heterosexual, God-fearing, western civilization white men[/b] ever find their way, heaven help anyone who stands in their path. The most ornery race of humans on Earth.[/quote] FIFY. I've been trying to tell the anti-white racists: [i]nobody[/i] is as brutal of a warrior as the wh...
[quote]Should it have escalated to this point? No Do I buy that she was Ms Innocent, made a "joke" and was cowering? no Can anyone tell definitively from the video whether there is water in the pot? Doesn't appear you can to me. It appears that she ducked down and wanted to ambush him as he...

re: NPCs in dreams

Posted by mudshuvl05 on 7/24/24 at 9:38 am
[quote]Ever try to talk to someone in a dream and they just dissolve? Like they're talking and you try to answer them back and they're not there. They're meant to provide background but they're not part of the story.[/quote] Try asking them "what time is it," in your next lucid dream. Odds are, ...
[quote]Do they realize that Kamala is not black and doesn’t care about African Americans? Do they realize that as AG of California, she imprisoned people for smoking pot but also later admitted she smoked pot?[/quote] Again, like I've said before, read the comment sections on social media. I mean re...
[quote]Humanoid, three-fingered “alien mummies” discovered in Peru last year[/quote][quote][b]according to an [i]attorney[/i][/b] who reviewed one of the controversial specimens.[/quote] well by god listen to the man!!!...

re: Real chances for Cackles to win

Posted by mudshuvl05 on 7/22/24 at 3:53 pm
[quote]I still think Trump has the advantage but I think she has a better chance than many on here or giving her. That is not because I think she is good but because I think the populace is pretty dumb and can buy into media narratives pretty easily.[/quote] This is the best answer. The people on th...
[quote]I’ve seen some mud slinging in politics in my life, but this crap since trump arrived on the scene is unprecedented.[/quote] Hush pussy, you're being emotional. ...
[quote]mmmmmbeeer[/quote][quote]I've read a few pages. You have clearly proven that you are ignorant. .... or a troll. Which is it?[/quote] He's a democrat. He's both, [i]plus more[/i]. He thinks about his daughter's creampies. He's a goddamned, died-in-the-wool, white boy, democr...
[quote]Hey punk…[/quote] What, boomer?[quote]I earned MY SS check… [/quote] As did I, and millions upon millions of others behind you, you old, outdated, antiquated liver spot. [quote]you dont like it????[/quote] I mean, I couldn't care less, but if I, nor the millions with me, aren't going to get i...
[quote]She may not be[/quote] Oh, I assure you, my brother in soy, [i]she's not[/i]. Nobody is. This train is rolling, and no amount of programmed propaganda is going to change that, my boy/girl/ze/zim. [quote]but she's a much better option than the guy who thinks Xi and Orban are leaders to ...
[quote]shite, my bad. I guess I need to give you guys a few days to cool off after learning that your cult leader is about to lose. [/quote] :lol: Shut the frick up creampie, I[i] don't give a shite[/i]. We're fricked, I'm voting for president Trump, but we're fricked. Imagine thinking Kama...
[quote]At my age it doesn’t really matter who is in office. The only help for me would be to raise my monthly SS check.[/quote] You'll get your ss check old man. [i]But for the [b]rest[/b] of us[/i], that is to be determined - thanks to the old fricks like you who voted in career politicians for ...
[quote]What in the actual frick is going on in here??[/quote] :dunno: :lol: This country that the boomers have left my generation is an abject fricking shitshow, I'm here for the ride....
[quote]mmmmmbeeer[/quote] imagine thinking anyone gives a shite about what this guy thinks...
[quote]And what does that make you????[/quote] Shut up simping for that clown and go back into your trailer boomer ...