Favorite team:Oral Roberts
Number of Posts:102
Registered on:11/8/2023
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[quote]However, they definitely don't "feed the world" when you look at the weighting of the types of crops grown. [/quote] Yeah, not like 2/3 of the world basically survives on rice... a crop that basically is not grown in Kansas. Kansas produces a lot of corn that is used... to make ethanol....
[quote]You mean conservative California farmers are more productive. The majority conservative farmers in California not concerned with identity politics? [/quote] Do you have a point here? California farms are more productive due to the efforts the state has made to regulate and modernize farmin...
[quote]Eben [sic] if you had posted accurate numbers, it's high crime rate cities that take up a larger percentage state's overall population. [/quote] So you're saying statistics are only accurate when you cherrypick numbers and exclude things that might affect the output you want. Gotcha! :rot...
[quote]Value of crops isn't an indicator of mouths fed. It indicates in part that they produce high value crops such as nuts and fruits, among other things. (at huge expense due to importing water). [/quote] California has about 8 million acres of farmland, and produced about $1.3B in hay & hayla...
[quote] Sort of like the fact the NYC took advantage of Biden’s new policy of not requiring PD’s to report crimes to the FBI…..read that again and tell me you want to stand behind your earlier statements.[/quote] What does that have to do with the state of Kansas's crime reporting? Typical MAGA ...
[quote]NY would be bankrupt without corporate welfare.[/quote] Yeah Kansas would be in great shape without its farm subsidies :rotflmao: Meanwhile NY & California could drop them today and not miss a beat. And both have lower crime per capita than Kansas too. So feel free to apologize for you...
[quote]California doesn't feed the world Moron ....[/quote] California farmland is the single largest food producer in the US. Kansas isn't even in the top 5. Though they are catching up in murders, pretty soon they might challenge louisana or mississippi for the crown!...
[quote]If covid taught us anything, it's that the government is always right about the statistics it reports. Those reports are never wrong and they never lie. [/quote] Son, once again, facts don't care about your feelings. But yeah, keep crying about the state of Kansas inflating its crime stats...
[quote]NY pushes paper. Kansas feeds the world. How bout you eat NY's digital dollars and see how long you survive [/quote] California famrs output over double what Kansas is producing. Kansas feeds maybe a few cows, but they are not feeding the world :lol:...
[quote]You really want to get into statistics?[/quote] Obviously yes, dumbass. Facts don't care about your feelings, son....
Kansas Murder Rate: 6.40 homicides per 100k NY State Murder Rate: 4.80 homicides per 100k Kansas contains nothing but corn, white trash, and crime. And is subsidized by NYS taxes. But yeah, one grainy video on a white supremacist website refutes all those actual facts :lol:...
[quote]Yall are kidding yourself if you think these immigrants are going back. This took enormous inter-governments collusion to get these people from South America to the USA. They were brought here for a reason, their reason, but a reason. The GOP supports this in action, words are meaningless or ...
[quote]What does that mean?[/quote] It's not rocket science, brah. Whites have no culture of their own, they have things that they've stolen from BIPOC populations....
[quote]First of all, screw you and your company. Second, I'm sure it's the whites that are your problem. [/quote] I and my company are both thriving, thanks! And it's not all whites, just the american ones :usa:...
[quote]Illegals are much more likely to contribute[/quote] Agreed. Most so-called "natives" are fat, lazy losers that contribute nothing to society. My business hires immigrants (legal and undocumented) exclusively because the whites are all too lazy and uncultured. ...
[quote]I bet you squat to piss don’t you cuck?[/quote] Are you seriously this triggered by someone correctly pointing out your obsession with The View? :rotflmao:...
[quote]Not Sure Democrats Could Be Any More Evil[/quote] Easy, they could vote Republican. You're welcome, son!...
[quote]once again, we have been had.[/quote] You are so close to getting it lol... bless your idiotic little heart :rotflmao:...
[quote]But being ushered into the Capitol building is 20 to life[/quote] Should have been execution for treason, but diffe(R)ent standards apply when white people break the law...
[quote]WHAT THE frick IS THE ACTUAL THREAT TO DEMOCRACY THAT I HEAR THEM SAY IN EVERY OTHER frickING SENTENCE?[/quote] Something like engaging in a failed insurrection and then filing countless frivolous lawsuits to undermine election integrity. You're welcome, son!...