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Favorite team:Purdue 
Location:Krystal Baller
Number of Posts:5066
Registered on:1/20/2008
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It was no secret that USAID was essentially a CIA front. Trump doesn't seem like a fan of the CIA so maybe that's where the idea to cut the CIA's wallet was born.

The cartels arent just locations on a map that can be simply taken out with military strikes

We could ask the CIA where the cartels are since they’ve been helping them for a while now.
If it's anything like AL there are a too many people in offices doing administration and not enough people doing patient care. Maybe they can figure that out during this pause.
Never listen to a lady priest.

Never attend a service at the American branch of the Church of England.
You do not have a case unless you can prove retaliation or discrimination.

Now, got to the auto parts store and get a valve stem tool and take the valve stems out of her tires while she's at work like a real man.

re: People who live to work

Posted by KyleOrtonsMustache on 1/14/25 at 8:08 am
Owned my own business for 20 years. I averaged a 60 hour work week.

When I was 41 I closed up shop and went to work in the upper management of a company and couldn't be happier. The 40 hour work week seemed like part-time when I began.

I'm high enough up the ladder to have freedom to take t
"If you don't cheat, you look like an idiot; if you cheat and don't get caught, you look like a hero; if you cheat and get caught, you look like a dope.” - Darrell Waltrip


“This thread sucks” - everyone
It has vast mineral deposits of rare earth elements used in microchips

It is cold.

Cold is good for mining crypto through Application-Specific Integrated Circuits.

Trump has stated he wants to build a reserve of crypto and the USA to be the world leader in Crypto.

Greenland is the b
I’ve owned 2 different franchises. One sandwich shop and one smoothie shop. Both made money. Both were hard work. Both were fun as hell.

I would not do it again. But I’m thankful for all of the lessons I learned and friends I made.
What’s more American than a good redemption story? You really can do anything in the good ole USA!
I took a week with each kid (the last being 14 years old now) but I was self employed and needed to work.
I carry a Case 3 blade just like every old man.
Pair of Brooks Ghost 16
Pocket Knife
Quarter Zip

None of which I needed, but I'm glad the kids/wife were thinking of me.
Here until 12. Already set my high score on block blast.
This dumbass has the option to buy equipment and stop paying manual labor and increase productivity.

Potato Farming Equipment
My wife is pretty aware current events. She has a decent grasp of important historical events like, but she's not going to break down Napoleons retreat from Moscow in 1812 or anything.

All in all she's smart enough to not be boring, but carefree enough that we aren't discussing the situation in U
Spent 9th grade tweaked out on mini-thins. Good times.
Jalen and Bama are running the Wing T next year.