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Registered on:6/25/2023
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The only person who can win is a dude polling at 9% and imploding daily ...
This was perfection [img]https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/532/949/ea5[/img]...
[quote]You’re as dramatic as a lib. Grow up [/quote] Exactly. That weaklin should just vote for Biden again Why are Desantis lovers such thin skinned betas...

re: Well. Eggs are cheap again.

Posted by WCTiger1 on 7/3/23 at 9:06 am
Is this helping you cope with your awful decision for voting for this shite show admin cause Trump grabbed you by your puss?...
Well since only two people have a chance why dont you explain how Desantis can win Trumps the worst is just your typical lefty response and the only response from all the leftys that now love Desantis Or they go to polling (lulz) to prove Desantis will win but then say polling is worthless ...
[quote]Dem MAGA losers claiming elections are rigged but treat mainstream media polls as gospel. [/quote] Desantis losers are bussing people in for a 300 person rally :lol: Ok hes got 19% then. How does that equal winning a National election Actually please explain how Desantis win...
[quote]I thought Trump only worked with the best winners? [/quote] Desantis hired all of Dr Ozs failed campaign lackeys Now hes sinking into the abyss. I thought Desantis only hired the best? But somehow Desantis with 9% will magically beat any Dem :lol:...
So if Trump performed worse and Desantis is plunging into the abyss then no one on the right has a chance. Yet daily you say Desantis will beat any Dem :lol: :lol:...
Its not worth your time anymore. Team Desantis is imploding. Its better to just sit back and enjoy them whining They are all ex loser Rubio, Cruz, Kasich voters and most likely Biden anyways. Look at the Desantis campaign filled with Dr Oz and Bush lackeys :lol:...
[quote]Literal GOPe people running Trump's campaign. [/quote] You link a bunch of nobodies which you could do the same for Desantis. I mean his advisors are Bolton, Rove, and Jeb Bush Murdoch is pumping all the money at him along with him begging Aldersons wife for cash [quote]GOPe isn't *...
Still wont answer :lol: Who are all the GOPe people running Trumps campaign? Cause we know all the GOPe that supports Desantis and is funding him like Rove and Jeb Bush his campaign manager ...
Dodging just question :lol: Guess we know the answer of why Desantis is polling under 10% and has to buss in supporters :lol:...
So Trump is backed by Murdoch, Rove, Bush, Obamas Soros, Romney and the rest of the bunch? ...
No wonder Ron is sinking in the polls Not electable ...
Why are Desantis fans in denial that Ron is backed by the Murdochs and the GOPe? Its why hes plunging in the polls and needs to buss in supporters...
[quote]Its the other way around,Graham kisses Trump's arse because he wants to influence Trump on certain issues. Graham knows it works with Trump. [/quote] What issues did Graham influence Trump on in the 4yrs? ...
[quote]The Leftists are the one who promote forced bussing.[/quote] And Ron. He has to buss in people for a 300 in person rally :lol: :lol: Lots of enthusiam outside FL ...
[quote] Don, Lindsey and Johnny Bolton gone drain that swamp.[/quote] Bolton is Desantis mentor ...