Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Where the magic happens
Interests:golf, fishing, reading, tailgating, fantasy football
Occupation:Front porch philosopher
Number of Posts:344
Registered on:7/29/2004
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Recent Posts

I hope it doesn't come down to this, but I think some kind of fantasy league would be better than none. Got to have something to do on Sundays after church. I guess I could look up college stats....

re: WVU: Bill Stewart to Resign

Posted by Pitkin Tiger on 6/10/11 at 5:45 pm
Stewart doesn't look good in this, but I don't know that I blame him. He was pretty much shown the door but asked to stick around so we can kick you some more....
It has been suggested we only use the BCS conferences. Is that still too many? I'm thinking only using 1 conference may be too few players. What say you?...
We are trying to come up with something to keep our league interesting in case there is no NFL for a while or at all this year. I know the college game is very different and many more players to choose from. Anyone with advice I thank you....

re: WVU: Bill Stewart to Resign

Posted by Pitkin Tiger on 6/10/11 at 5:25 pm
There aren't many instances where this coach in waiting stuff is harmonious and productive. This one may be the worst so far....
Another vote for Sweet Baby Ray's as this was recommended to us by the guys at Wilderness Lodge's Whispering Canyon restaurant at Disneyworld after we ate there and complimented their sauce. Told us the closest to their sauce on the market is SBR. BUT, I still like to go old-school with original Kr...

re: .

Posted by Pitkin Tiger on 6/10/11 at 1:13 pm
The corporates are buying up all the tickets. You aren't going to get them fired up no matter what you pipe in. They are there to be seen and to drum up business. That is why Tiger Stadium is becoming dead. The true loyal diehard fans can no longer afford to attend the games and their tickets are bo...

re: .

Posted by Pitkin Tiger on 6/10/11 at 1:04 pm
I can't stand that piped in junk. You kids need to learn to appreciate what you have in a great college band playing timeless songs about your school and teams. If it takes that piped in music to get you ready to play or watch a game you aren't an athlete or true fan anyway. Just stick your ipod in ...

re: Joe Schad on WV schedule

Posted by Pitkin Tiger on 6/10/11 at 12:58 pm
ESPN employs too many people. They use the term "expert" or "analyst" a little too loosely....
Yes. Any of the ones still alive would be great by me. Not as good as a Tiger championship, but better than a Big 12/10 championship. Better than a Big 10/11/12 championship. Better than a Pac 10/12 championship. So...Yes....

Jon and Kate plus 8...

Posted by Pitkin Tiger on 5/27/09 at 6:27 am
I've watched this show exactly one time because my wife wouldn't change the channel. They went to Disneyworld by van from Pennsylvania. About 2 commercial breaks into the show I told my wife those 2 are headed for a nasty divorce. They may not realize it, but they are going to end horribly. And none...
I'm eating some now and they are gooooooooood! Ya'll had me worried but they turned out fine....
Why so? I haven't done this before but a local guy suggested this. Said his turn out well when doing it this way....
Richard's sausage incorporated into beans. Having them for supper tonight. They'll continue to cook in the crock pot until then. BTW they have been in the crock pot the whole time....

I nominate Lee Iacoco as Car Czar

Posted by Pitkin Tiger on 2/16/09 at 8:38 am
Saved Chrysler once already....

re: People desparate to sell houses

Posted by Pitkin Tiger on 2/16/09 at 8:01 am
[quote]The owner said that the real estate agency had the house listed for two years [/quote]I wouldn't let the same broker keep the contract nearly that long. No more than one year and probably change after the first 6 months if the agent doesn't appear to be doing anything....
Red Beans and Rice. I'm cooking some now....

re: Amazing Race starts tonight

Posted by Pitkin Tiger on 2/15/09 at 7:05 pm
And the token gays are included in the cast. Every stupid show has to have their token gays....


Posted by Pitkin Tiger on 2/15/09 at 6:35 pm
Disappointing way to end the biggest race of the year. Not saying it was wrong nor am I against Kenseth, I'm just disappointed in not being able to watch a wild last 20 laps where everyone is letting it all hang out for the win. On to Fontana....


Posted by Pitkin Tiger on 2/15/09 at 12:36 pm
[quote]I'm at the Daytona 500!!!! This is my first race!!! [/quote]See anything interesting yet? How's the weather situation?...