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Favorite team:North Carolina St. 
Location:1st coast
Interests:LSU & NC St sports, travel, finance
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Registered on:1/14/2008
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If you're contributing to Roth 401k you could switch to traditional....

re: Boys, I need some help.

Posted by TorchtheFlyingTiger on 7/22/24 at 3:32 pm
No one can give you meaningful advice without much more context such as; - Current income tax vs future tax rate at retirement (marginal vs effective rate of withdrawals) - Other current investments - Outlook of company stock growth - Risk tolerance - Do you need/want to have liquidity for near...

re: Buying home from parents

Posted by TorchtheFlyingTiger on 7/22/24 at 7:24 am
Be aware of the 5 year Medicaid look back if there's any possibility he'll need it. "A Medicaid applicant is penalized if assets (money, homes, cars, artwork, etc.) were gifted, transferred, or sold for less than the fair market value." [link=(]Payi...
Lump sum beats DCA. DCA is supposed to be used for investing $ as you receive it. It might provide some psychological appeal to spread out the investments but mathematically best to just do all at once of you have the $ available....
If youre gonna use target date funds go all in thats how theyre designed to function. Otherwise you short circuit the auto rebalance and shift to more conservative allocation as you age. That said, Im not a fan due to higher expense ratio and tendency to go conservative earlier than necessary. I ...
Plenty of advice here about finding another job or hobbies for purpose. Sadly, almost no mention of the value of focusing on raising your family. You will never get this time back and can always go back to work later (perhaps your earning potential will shrink but so what if you already have enough....
[quote]Realize that due to unrealized taxes, you probably have 20-30% less than you claim.[/quote] How so? In taxable account basis is tax free. Plus married filing joint w/ no other income source you could draw +$120k of long term gains at zero tax rate (federal). Long term gains after that ...
4% safe withdrawal rate on $2m is $80k. Can you live on that without mortgage or debt? Your desired lifestyle sounds like it could be modest "raise my family, hunt, fish, and watch my LSU Tigers." Research ACA subsidies. W/ a low taxable income you may qualify for inexpensive healthcare plan. On ...
If I had to guess, the security plan for this rally was hastily developed w insufficient planners and resourcing. No idea if their protocols call for it, but some simple red teaming of the plan would have revealed flaws and vulnerabilities. Often, ops planners skip or cut short that critical step wh...
[quote]It’s easier to deny the truth when reality is too scary.[/quote] I think what people really fear is chaos. So, they attempt to make sense of the fact that we are all vulnerable to seemingly random acts, chance or individuals by creating stories. Your conspiracy theories make you feel in con...
Why do ya'll think DT investigation = manifesto? My guess is it has to do w investigative resourcing and funding. Perhaps they have capes to access the phone that are accessible if investigating as DT for instance....
Hanlon's Razor in words of of Robert J. Hanlon “never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” ...
Even MSNBC headline now says shots fired. CNN still running w/ 'incident'...
[quote]Now sure, one can argue that they should be able to "retire" whenever they want, but the reality is that for every 50 year old that actually manages to retire at 50, there will be a dozen jackasses who are back to being greeters at Walmart in their 70s.[/quote] 72(t) is how the tax code ad...
Shouldn't they be dealing direct w OP's insurance? Seems like once lawyers are involved you'd want the insurance Co lawyers in your corner. Any reason that wouldn't be advisable?...
Be sure to understand the tax implications. Most the dividends are taxed at regular income rates. Often they're better held in tax advantaged accounts. ...
[quote]Why not? Is the money not yours ? If your kid decided to not go to college[/quote] I'm hoping they don't need it all for college due to scholarships & GI Bill in which case I'll use it penalty free to fund their first 5 yrs of Roth IRA contributions. Or, I'll keep it for grandkids some ...
That looks like too much work. Can we get a simplified down version of dynasty mode where I can just dabble w recruiting (maybe land an a GOAT transfer portal QB) and sit back and enjoy? I'm thinking something along the lines of Coach O's NCAA Football Blitz....
It is assets minus liabilities. But many now confuse net worth w FI # which doesnt include assets you wont liquidate such as home and cars. When I'm thinking of my NW I choose to ignore 529s since they are designated for my kids and I also ignore vehicles since they are neccessities and dont ...