Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:8
Registered on:5/25/2023
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote]Our pitching had nothing to do with it.[/quote] Right, their pitching has everyting to do with it. And them going 2-0 allowed for them to have their dudes rested for a game 7. That's the point....

Tensas NFR

Posted by wlecoq on 10/3/23 at 6:57 am
Got selected for a gun hunt in Tensas NFR this December but have never hunted the area. Trying to get some intel before I start getting boots on the ground. Only thing I know is palmettos and bears! haha Any insight or info anyone willing to give?...

Home Buying Situation

Posted by wlecoq on 7/13/23 at 11:05 am
Currently in the process of buying a home. During the inspection it was discovered that there are some moisture issues under the home in the crawlspace. This has lead to some mold and buckling of the finsihed flooring in the home. Currently getting a quote from a contractor to for repair/replace of ...

Skenes in Gold

Posted by wlecoq on 6/22/23 at 10:41 am
Anybody else ready to see him throw flames in Championship Gold? :geauxtigers:...