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re: Cancer breakthroughs

Posted by guedeaux on 2/12/25 at 12:50 pm

Help me understand what you're suggesting here. Because patents get submitted very early on in the development process and the clock starts running then. So no real benefit to slowing the down the process intentionally.

For new indications as well as to maximize profit on one asset

re: Cancer breakthroughs

Posted by guedeaux on 2/12/25 at 10:53 am

They most certainly are holding back research because they make about a million dollars per cancer patient.

There is value in knowledge, not ignorance. These companies do not hold back research. They absolutely "shelf" assets to maximize patent terms, but they perform the research

I hope it's Paul Whalen.

That would be weird.


He was released in a United States–Russia prisoner swap in Ankara, Turkey, on August 1, 2024.
So you brought the flu into an ICU for three days...

Thanks for your service?


It's Sugar Land.

And no. It's full. Stay the frick out

Hi neighbor

re: Best King Cake in Houston?

Posted by guedeaux on 1/30/25 at 7:47 am
HEB has king cakes, but I hope they arent the best in Houston. The one I had last week was pretty lame and undercooked.

Following this thread fo sho.
Good. Sue the DOJ and let them air your corruption and other dirty laundry. Bold strategy...

re: Need input on a pool cleaner

Posted by guedeaux on 1/26/25 at 1:25 pm
If you have a pressure side valve, I'd go with a Polaris Quattro. No electronics to worry about, and it uses 0 additional electricity.

re: Get 6g WiFi to work on windows 10

Posted by guedeaux on 1/17/25 at 10:43 am
What is the hardware limitation? If it is just a CPU that is a generation or two too old, you can get around that.

re: Proof of Time Travel (Examples)

Posted by guedeaux on 1/10/25 at 10:37 am

What killed the video star, though?


re: Upper Glute/Piriformus Syndrome

Posted by guedeaux on 1/7/25 at 9:30 am

Any remedies besides rest or things to watch for in my swing?

You need to strengthen that muscle group. Ice, NSAIDs, stretching and rolling can help alleviate the inflammation, but the root cause is weakness in that area and the surrounding musculature. It will recur without muscle

re: 3D Printing chaps

Posted by guedeaux on 1/4/25 at 2:38 pm
Get a Bambu P1S; convert the ender 3 to a laser engraver

re: Fail Gifs. Let's post them.

Posted by guedeaux on 1/3/25 at 2:14 pm
Its obviously staged and not a gif.

Yes she's easily 3 pts higher than me. You either gotta have looks or money (or potential). Luckily I had the latter when we met.

More importantly you need to find someone with the same values as you. Or when stuff gets hard, it will end.

In other words, your wife married you

Hope BK is enjoying watching his old team make a deep run on his couch

They should not run on his couch. That is rude.

Buy a 3d printer or 2. Probably cheaper then any contract you will sign.

Could probably get someone to help with model design for cheap.

If you have areas where you want good surround sound, definitely run speaker wire and build nooks/locations for subs.

Run Cat6 all over that thing. multiple drops per room.