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[quote]We saw what happened with one elite draft class, it can change the entire trajectory. They're obviously trying to see if that can happen while letting bad money rot[/quote] I get that but we added that draft class to Sean Payton and Drew Brees. Even if we hit with an elite class- you’re ad...
[quote]I remember the days where this board applauded taking Miller over Spears due to injury concerns.[/quote] I get the concerns for Miller but Tyjae doesn’t have an ACL in one knee and also has arthritis. Thats a hard pill to swallow- I can’t really blame the Saints on that one....
[quote]Carr took too many illegal hits to start last season. As complaints and his injuries mounted, the NFL seemed more capable of protecting him as the season progressed.[/quote] You really think there was some kind of agenda with the NFL against Carr last season? Maybe we just had a shite OL...
[quote]But I would not be shocked if Cain was getting minutes over Hawkins during the season because 1A) defense, and 1B) more defense,[/quote] If this is what Willie might do they should just trade Hawk now. It makes no sense to play a 2 way guy because of his defense over your first round pick ...
[quote]Same with two ways. You don't keep a PF/C just b/c that's where we lack in our roster. These are guys that at best may turn into nba rotation guys, at the very best. Doesn't matter what position they are, you should be strictly keeping guys that you think can develop into a nba roster guy tha...
[quote]If they aren't going to sign anybody else or trade for anybody before the season starts then sure, he's a big body and we might need that, but he's still a fringe NBA player for a reason.[/quote] I’ll take a fringe NBA player who has played real NBA minutes at center on a 2 way deal. He wa...
We should sign him immediately. He might actually get minutes at our center rotation....
[quote]can you get at least $30 million worth of rotation player and a few picks by the deadline?[/quote] If he signs a lower extension and plays well thats possible. On his current deal and if he he has a similar/worse year- Griff will let him walk. I think someone mentioned this, August 6th is ...
[quote]BI has been either our first or second best players for five years. He has value, he just happens to have a crap ton of value for us too. So no, we aren’t trading him right now without a proper deal. Everything else is emotional nonsense.[/quote] Reality is his value in the market doesn’t ...
[quote]That’s absurd[/quote] How so? Please describe how BI is an asset when he’s difficult or impossible to trade right now? Heck Griffin even said himself hes “mechanicslly incapable” of being traded under new CBA rules. How is that an asset?...
[quote]You don't think bi is an asset?[/quote] Do you believe something is valuable or an asset if the rest of the league doesn’t want it?...
[quote]Y'all are pussies. And most of you hope for the worst case scenario so y'all fricking deserve it.[/quote] You’re a moron that makes up stuff to live in a false reality. We cannot trade for anyone we want. We can’t even trade your so called asset (BI) from your make believe warchest....
[quote]BI Hawk (4) 1st (3) swaps[/quote] How do you include BI in your warchest when you literally can’t find anyone willing to trade for him. We’ve done this with you several times. You have a completely different definition in regards to what warchest means compared to most people on this board...
[quote]Those might have been the worst examples you can give. Lonzo- literally can't even play basketball Hayes- literally can't spell basketball Val- Willies fault he's gone among other things[/quote] Lol if you don’t agree thats fine but stop making up shite to demean an argument. Lonzo- ...
[quote]So our GM doesn't like the low value and would rather get no value? Even if you don't like Griffin you have to know that is a little ridiculous.[/quote] Please see Lonzo Ball, Jonas Valuncious, Jaxson Hayes. This is what Griffin does. If you don’t know that by now thats pretty ridiculous....
[quote]Either we want someone specifically for BI or we need to trade him first to get that someone.[/quote] Or Griff would rather let BI walk for free than getting back what he perceives to be low value for BI. Griff will never accept sunk cost on BI....
[quote]Can you even name the other big center they had besides Looney?[/quote] Ok lets go with the theory that we have “warriors like centers” which is honestly not true. Now do we have players on this roster outside of center from a talent perspective close to Draymond, Klay, Steph and KD in the...

re: Pelicans Summer league observations

Posted by Pels_Yaz on 7/21/24 at 12:58 pm
[quote]So, what you guys are saying is that Hawkins is not the second coming of Steph Curry like so many people were claiming on the board all last season. That, maybe Willie Green was right not to play him? Go figure.[/quote] No what people are saying is based off summer league he’s not good eno...
[quote]It doesn't mean that Hawk was a good player last season. He wasn't.[/quote] According to who? He was one of the top rookies in the league before he lost his role in the rotation. So he provided shooting as a rookie because our other players were injured or couldn’t shoot but he wasn’t ...
[quote]Theis is not that great of a player, but I think he's a great fit.[/quote] I agree with this I just wish he wasn’t our defacto starter. I like him for depth though....