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Location:Twin Lakes, CO
Number of Posts:35874
Registered on:1/3/2008
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[quote]It’s nice to not be melting rn[/quote] Being somewhere that gets heat advisories at 80... ...
[quote]Most times I order with room for cream/sugar and he/she leaves too much room and I have to go back and ask them to fill it up.[/quote] "Can you fill it up for me?" ...
[quote]It's virtually no significant risk[/quote] Having been through two challenging and at times, life threatening pregnancies with my wife... go frick yourself...
[quote]Conditions will become less hostile to development as we move into August, but the Euro EPS is ready to go.[/quote] Im still thinking we need a sacrificial wave or two to clean up some of that lingering dryness. :dunno:...
[quote]Most tropical meteorologists (that I have read about) say that in a couple of weeks they expect the dust train from Africa to end and shear to be less. This is a common occurrence during this time of year. These new conditions will lead to the Atlantic\Caribbean to be more conductive to storm...
[quote] There are sip and paints that dont involve naked dudes[/quote] I was about to say, last one I saw they were poorly painting a mountain landscape....
[quote]Don’t want any, and there’s still time to go, but it’s been really quiet this year.[/quote] We had the earliest Cat 5 on record make 3 landfalls, including fricking Houston. [quote]Bamafig[/quote] but for real, this is an awful time on what still will be a very busy heart of the seas...

re: Myers-Briggs Personality Test

Posted by Duke on 7/22/24 at 9:46 am
ENTP [quote]They're a fun glimpse at personality traits but the fact that it's actually used by employers is appalling.[/quote] Facts...

re: Gen Z reaction to the news yesterday

Posted by Duke on 7/22/24 at 8:32 am
[quote]Makes you wonder what happened in the past that caused that generation to malfunction.[/quote] Its one dude having a weird reaction to the Biden news. This is the second or third thread this week being like "look at this one Gen Z weirdo, why is their entire generation so strange?" ...

re: GMT ~ July 20

Posted by Duke on 7/20/24 at 6:22 am
[quote]yes it's my sister who I fricked, yes it's incest[/quote] What in tarnation? ...

re: Beach or Mountains? Which is better?

Posted by Duke on 7/19/24 at 11:07 am
[quote]Generally, the more elevation you have, the fitter the population.[/quote] Last time home, I was shocked at how big everyone is. Hit me just how few fat people I see up in Vail/Summit/Leadville (well summer vacationers aside). ...

re: Anthony Bourdain - Douchey or Awesome

Posted by Duke on 7/19/24 at 11:03 am
[quote]RogerTheShrubber[/quote] God you've become a dildo in your old age. ...

re: Anthony Bourdain - Douchey or Awesome

Posted by Duke on 7/19/24 at 10:54 am
[quote] I think we as a society have started to crab bucket, hard. Hell, you see it with athletes who go from hero to hated on here if they take a single political stance people disagree with[/quote] Americans have always been a puritanical bunch. The change in the last decade of making poli...
[quote]On a scale of PT board reliability to compass needle pointing north reliability where does Mark fall?[/quote] Sure, not a great source but with news floating the Obamas (they the kingmakers of the DNC) are involved in talks about this, I believe its coming. ...
[quote]Don't park at the lowest level of parking if possible[/quote] Ive been there a few times, but also that walk aint that bad. Sure, the fact Im down 3000' in elevation helps. Im getting spoiled between Red Rocks, Dillion Amphitheatre, Gerold Ford over in Vail. High quality concerts all s...
Fried Chicken Sandwich. Black Lager Down in Denver with the wife for Meow Wolf and Dr. Dog at the Red Rocks tonight. ...
What I like about insta is how unserious ive been able to curate my feed. No outrage porn. Just pics of my friends doing stuff, badass thunderstorms, and ski/snowboard content. It lends its self to popcorn engagement, at least for me. ETA: Also no Tic-toc. The CCP can lick my balls. ...
tfw a random stranger stops you with "Oh my God! your hair is gorgeous." Doesnt hurt the ole ego...
[quote]She mixed peach and pineapple juices with coconut rum - but I couldn’t discern what the sweet was- just that it was sweet.[/quote] Ugh... its like reading a hangover...