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Registered on:12/13/2007
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[quote]They always mock Christianity.[/quote] Yep. Never Islam. And everyone know why. Muslims will put a fatwa on their heads and they'll be world wide riots. This is one of the rare times where I envy Muslims. ...
No. Cause then they'll grandstand about how he doesn't have the authority, no person is illegal, etc. He's doing exactly what should be done and it forces the people who normally don't have to deal with the problem deal with it. Arizona tried it your way by handling it themselves. They tried bu...
Exactly. I detest Sherman but will give him credit with his quote...."War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over."...
Social media happened. Before that, people might of thought things but still treated others with respect. Then comes along Facebook and people feel the need to put all their thoughts on there. So now the guy down the street that you used to wave to and exchange pleasantries with, now you know what t...
I tried that excuse when I got called into HR. It didn't help. ...
[quote]Biden now is not the same Biden from 4 years ago[/quote] He is the exact same Biden he was 4 years ago. You and your ilk just refused to see it because of absolute hate of Trump. Do you think he just got Alzheimer's last week? ...

re: Biden will NOT Drop Out…

Posted by riverparish on 7/20/24 at 8:48 pm
I hope he doesn't drop out. It's the best case scenario for Rs. What I am surprised about is that the DNC hasn't paid him off yet to go away like they did with Bernie sanders. ...

re: How stunning is Melania Trump?

Posted by riverparish on 7/20/24 at 1:17 pm
[quote]Definitely the most beautiful First Lady Ever[/quote] Uhm, Martha Washington says Hi. everyday George would come home, she would have a big fat bowl waiting for him, when he come in the door, man, she was a hip, hip, hip lady, man. ...

re: Let's Go Michigan!!

Posted by riverparish on 7/20/24 at 12:50 pm
[quote] stage that abortion will be a state issue.[/quote] As it should be. I'm against abortion 100% in all its forms but I can't holler for state's rights only on things I support. If Louisiana's voters want to outlaw abortion, fine. If California wants to allow partial birth abortion, as deplo...
And those same 34% ridicule people for saying the 2020 election was stolen, mocked you if you questioned where Obama was really born and called people conspiracy theorists for a multitude of other reasons. There is absolutely no reasoning with libs. ...
[quote]There's absolutely no chance in hell He wants to answer the questions that have come out about his penis, Baracks love of penis, their make believe family, and a myriad of other frickery antics that went on when he was in the White House.[/quote] I don't think she'll get the nomination eith...
[quote]I mean come on, some people on this board are having short memories or are acting like they wouldn't be saying similar things had someone very nearly assassinated someone on the left.[/quote] In theory, you are not wrong. But you have to admit that IF some famous country singer said that a...
[quote]There are dozens of threads talking about various forms of the Deep State being involved in this shooting in various ways.[/quote] But Alex Jones didn't get sued for a billion dollars for saying the deep state was involved. He got sued for saying it was staged. The families of this man sh...
His family needs to sue every person who is saying this whole thing is staged just like the Sandy Hook families did to Alex Jones. ...
[quote]Sherman warned them[/quote] In all fairness, I'm sure people said similar to the colonist about England, the afghanis about Russia and the viet cong about America. ...
They tried to kill Steve Scalise. Instead of banning guns, let's just ban Ds from owning guns. ...
I can't believe Obama is involved in this cause just last week Pernod said..."Obama has had very little power during Biden’s term". Why would a guy with such little power be meeting with pelosi? It doesn't make sense. ...