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Registered on:12/30/2022
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re: Walker Howard commits to Ole Miss

Posted by INTmachine on 1/18/23 at 8:32 am
That's what he will be at ole piss....

re: Walker Howard to Ole Piss

Posted by INTmachine on 1/18/23 at 8:29 am
So weird. What a coward ...

re: Why is Don Jr. selling Bibles?

Posted by INTmachine on 1/17/23 at 5:02 pm
Not true... True Christians know when the flock is being made merchandise of. I as a Christian could not support this grifter who doesn't know the God of the Bible selling bibles simply because he has no authority within the message since he hasn't been redeemed by it. ...
Is a states right to secede even hinted at anywhere in any official document? No. Because there is no right to secede. I don't think y'all understand how serious it would be today for a state to say "we are no longer a part of the US because we want to keep these people as our personal property."...
Was it a failure of leadership when bush went to war with Iraq and Afghanistan?...
Brah . So much dumbass in this thread. Lol not one country in history has ever had to free a sub group and persecuted and enslaved people by means of war except america? Are you insane? Lolol...
What are you talking about dude they are referring to slaves as property in like the first paragraph. Lol. How was it not ultimately that clash of ideas?...
Exactly. These guys are pretend experts but really don't even know anything about Lincoln other than war bad....
Ultimately God's will is done throughout the earth in every nation as it pleases him. If he gives china a Mao and Russia a Stalin... It's a curse and judgment upon their dragon worship or whatever false Babylonian mystery religion they claim to worship God in...
You think he liked to have to make that decision Another God fearing man... But was nonetheless a man full of failure. Read a really good biography on Truman. Good stuff....
He didn't kill them and the decisions that he had to make which led to their demise were obviously done with the most severe distaste. No one likes war, esp a Christian. This is the sacrifice of leadership though. ...
It was handled the way God handles all sin... In due time it's all judged and there is a reckoning. What was the civil war if not that?...
No you fool.... The requisite is Christ must live in you.... Not you claim to be Christian. See the difference?...
As he shouldn't have. A strong hand was the only approach for God's will to come about in this country. ...