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Registered on:12/5/2022
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[img]https://i.ibb.co/br7xNsC/Pete-Davidson-Comes-Back.png[/img] [img]https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/220713111500-01-pete-davidson-hart-to-heart.jpg?c=16x9&q=h_540,w_960,c_fill[/img] ...
Usually cats who grew up hunting and surviving for any length of time on their own are very appreciative of humans. Domestic cats are the ones who are extra picky/bitchy. ...
"It's the most wonderful time of the year" I don't care what mood I'm in, it just chills me out. ...
I hate when they shut down the whole road. ...
[quote]You tell us why and what would be good concessions for peace talks? I have a feeling you’re going to say the only acceptable peace options are Russia taking Ukrainian territory.[/quote] [quote]sta4ever[/quote] Because we can't afford it, you woke deweeb. Private rubes want to donate it, b...
[quote]Daly is a hard core lefty, a Russian proponent, but you guys will believe everything she is says because she sounds like many of ya’ll do.[/quote] @doubledeb Are you a resident NATO/MIC dicks8cker on here? You're getting humiliated on here. ...

re: Wagner Group finna eat

Posted by getyouinavacant on 12/8/22 at 9:24 pm
[quote]Russian mercenaries[/quote] They seem to be, none are really foreign, all seem to look and speak Russian. Only thing is they operate outside constraints of the army. ...
[quote]YouTube - Nick Rekieta explains why jury got it right 27+ minute video Reminder that Rekieta... a lawyer... believed going into the case Reeves would be found guilty but his mind was changed while watching the trial [/quote] Reeves settled in civil court with the widow and cinema ...
[quote]I'm all for stand your ground and carry laws. But allowing a dude to waste another dude in a movie theatre because he was cornered and had popcorn/a phone thrown at him is insanity. [/quote] agree. Old man wasn't rocked and the guy wasn't reaching for him at that point. Just threw a tantr...
[quote]Again.. here are the factors in play 1) I'm in my seat and this dude is coming at me aggressively b/c I asked him to get off his cell phone since the movie is starting 2) I can't see well 3) I've just been hit in the face with a hard object 4) I can't get away... I'm an old man an...
Oh, shite, the bots are overruning the sub at night. Which 4 losers downvoted "not Pence"? You silly gimps. ...
[quote]I watched a good portion of that trial with the Rekieta stream... old man was absolutely justified in the shooting The popcorn didn't lead to the shooting... dude was puffing up against a cornered old man in a dark theater and the moment of the shooting was actually spurred by the dude thr...
Shooting happened in Tampa FL, in 2014 during movie attendance of Lone Survivor. They had an argument over Olson(victim) texting or having his phone on. Reeves complained to the manager but not much was done. He went back to the seat and kept arguing. Then it escalated and Olson guy got up and eithe...

re: Get a clue Georgia

Posted by getyouinavacant on 12/6/22 at 2:57 pm
[quote] Walker is a freaking potato. Sorry bro. If I had to decide between the two, I'd probably just not vote.[/quote] And yet that didn't stop leftists voting for Fetterman and Joe Biden. You have no argument. ...
[quote]And if this guy has no prior criminal history, then he shouldn't spend a day in jail for this. [/quote] Potato logic. Most serial killers don't have "prior criminal history". He was fine legally, until he strutted over to the fat slob who was already on his stomach and executed him. W...
After the bozo with the shirt runs off and falls already being hit, coming up and shooting him with a finishing shot is going to cost this bastard many years in prison. This isn't a Western you're making. I'm guessing he gets 10-20 years. ...

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by getyouinavacant on 12/6/22 at 12:24 am