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Location:Kenner, LA
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Registered on:6/21/2004
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[quote]Wait. Is there any functioning brain that thinks it wasn’t an anti-Trump, pro-biden motive?[/quote] There's plenty of non-functioning brains on X that parrot muh republican constantly. ...
[quote]Why would she fly to Wilmington to take the oath, exactly? Biden isn't there.[/quote] Do you think they have to swear her in over his corpse or something? Why would Biden have to be there? She could be sworn in anywhere. You are a moron in every thread. ...
Time for the ruling class to move all delegates to the next chosen candidate. ...
[quote]You all sound like a bunch of weak pussies who are scared of heels up.[/quote] Who said that? We are discussing the democrats defending democracy by throwing out the window. ...
[quote]I know the concept of a “ticket” will be a foreign concept here but people should know a vote for Joe was also a vote for her. [/quote] Not true Harris name was not on any ballots. Biden could have selected the cookie monster on his ticket. ...
[quote]FYI. You get to have a say because the RNC says that you can.[/quote] Brah Because the Republican's are practicing democracy while the ones who are protecting democracy are not. It's not difficult. ...
[quote]Their voters aren’t complaining. It’s only Republicans who think they have a gotcha—which makes it stupid. The DNC has the support of its supporters on this one.[/quote] Your opinion and in fact their opinions are not democracy. What you are in fact describing is an oligarchy. To d...
[quote]So you’re saying the only reason you don’t like Kamal is because she did sexual things years ago? [/quote] Why do you jump to conclusions? Nowhere did I say her sexual history is the only reason. I don't like her because she is a Democrat and she is dumb as a rock. Her sexual h...
[quote]Because it’s bizarre that this board fixates on women they dislike having sex.[/quote] You obviously have no idea what you are talking about and have no desire to educate yourself. That's on you, not "this board". ...
[quote]Why? So I can gossip about her online?[/quote] You come here and ask why people are saying what they are saying, then when people tell you how to learn why. You say nah, I don't want to. Wtf? ...
[quote]Green Chili Tiger Trump is the oldest presidential nominee in history[/quote] You probably couldn't give a 90 minute speech at a convention 4 days after being shot. Nobody with a brain is concerned about Trump's age like they are Biden. Y'all are the dumbest mother frickers on the ...
Such a desperate attempt. Everyone sees Trump is great physically and mentally. ...

re: Biden officially out

Posted by tgrgrd00 on 7/21/24 at 1:05 pm
If you can't run for president you can't run the country. Step down! ...
1 Payback is a bitch huh? 2 Speech is free and shall always remain. However the consequences of free speech still remain as well. Just because people want free speech doesn't mean you can say whatever you want and not get criticism....
This was a good one for sure. Great work. :usa:...
Oooffff “Another 2019 Southwest Key Report details how, at Casa Rio Grande in San Benito, Texas, a child reported a male Youth Care Worker told him he liked dating ‘transexuals, transgenero, personas gay,’ translated to ‘transexuals, transgender, gay individuals.’” “The Youth Care Worker asked...
We found 1 of the 51 "intelligence agents" lol what a dumb bitch...
And God bless you President Trump :usa:...