Favorite team:New Orleans Saints 
Number of Posts:54
Registered on:7/16/2022
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[quote]As much as I hate to admit it, Soros and his group are quite effective. Money takes care of everything. [/quote] Half of the billionaires in America are Jewish...
[quote]Well, lately white people are showing themselves to be self-destructive idiots. Nature or nurture?[/quote] Yes our nature is to be incredibly conscious of social norms. That is a blessing in European societies and comes from the need to work together in harsh northern climates through our de...
[quote]One thing have noticed over the years about the virulent NTer Beck is that he'll speak generally about certain issues, concepts, but is resistant to actually naming any of the participants involved in their construct. Don't listen to him anymore, but if he even mentioned the Frankfurt Sch...
[quote]it will likely take several decades to repair that damage.[/quote] 100,000+ years in Africa... it's fundamentally not "repairable"...
[quote]So what are you implying?[/quote] I'm implying that the black community has many problems but that's not my problem, at least it shouldn't be. I'm implying that their voting behavior has little to no impact on their actual day to day prospects. The Southside Chicago would not turn into an oa...
I'd rather deal with the black community in realistic terms not the pie-in-the-sky conservative mentality that their only problems come from which political party they vote for. Race is real. IQ is real. Until the actual real life circumstances about race are discussed, we can never get anywhere...
[quote]Him and Walker are crucial to get America back on track[/quote] [img]https://c.tenor.com/E6aL4cqEdmwAAAAd/michael-jordan-lol.gif[/img]...
Climate policy = punish White people/countries by sending money away or bringing third worlders here. That's it. ...
[quote]Seems if you have a policy that is contrary to American foreign policy, obtaining a nuclear weapon would be a high priority?[/quote] Sub Israeli for American ...
"Oh shite we can't keep the White boys that actually make this thing work, quick do something"...
[quote]Do you want to live in a fascist Christian nation[/quote] [img]https://c.tenor.com/sv86SE88uZsAAAAd/mussolini-serious.gif[/img]...
[quote]DeSantis is everything you love about Trump. I love Trump, but DeSantis is better at articulating his policy/point and doesn’t waste time going down pointless rabbit holes like trump. You know it’s true[/quote] DeSantis can certainly read a teleprompter and knows which way the wind is ...

re: Sweden is tackling segregation

Posted by Sir Handel on 7/17/22 at 2:32 pm
[quote]It’s actually kind of scary how accurate some of the propaganda is [/quote] The old one going around last year about vaccines was quite prescient. [img]https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-BEMCH6pY0eY/VNJm8nKXNOI/AAAAAAAAMUw/4yKXc3pYvM0/s1600/ds32-6.jpg[/img]...

re: Sweden is tackling segregation

Posted by Sir Handel on 7/17/22 at 2:05 pm
Another great quote is "Power is who gets to decide the exceptions"...
Perfect time to go back and enforce Lawrence v Texas! It's absolutely a public health issue. ...
[quote]That makes no sense.[/quote] It makes no sense they would want to use him to attack and silence right wing voices? Are you stupid?...

Ray Epps prediction - libel lawsuits.

Posted by Sir Handel on 7/17/22 at 1:13 pm
I think the reason the NYT is writing sympathetic articles about him is they are planning on using him in libel lawsuits against various personalities on the right. The article doesn't "prove he's a fed" - it lays the groundwork for legal action against people like Tucker and others. ...

re: Sweden is tackling segregation

Posted by Sir Handel on 7/17/22 at 12:56 pm
[quote]If the Muslim schools are the problem then they alone should be targeted[/quote] Non-Europeans are the problem. Not the schools, not the culture, not the religion.... the people. Everything else hinges from them. We have got to stop thinking others can adopt our culture and "assimilate...