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That debt will never be paid back....
[quote]I'd rather Vance be President over Tulsi should something happen to Trump.[/quote] Vance came out of no where, with just two years in the Senate. Like Obama, he was groomed for national politics, from his book to his Netflix movie. Time will tell who did the grooming....

re: Venezuala has Elections Sunday

Posted by Tandemjay on 7/25/24 at 10:02 pm
They sent all their constanistas north. Looks like Johnson's last tough budget talks paid off..... for another country....

re: The upcoming rigged election

Posted by Tandemjay on 7/25/24 at 9:58 pm
We need the dead weight Christians to vote. As a group, they have a lower turn out out than anyone. ...
Mexico will never be an ally until the cia/fbi stop playing footsie with the cartels and the State Dept. stops interfering with central and south American countries....

re: So did he resign or what?

Posted by Tandemjay on 7/24/24 at 7:56 pm
[quote]Regardless of how you feel about the man, he needs to just enjoy whatever time he has left.[/quote] Do you really mean this about a guy who showered with his teenage daughter?...

re: He had a major stroke for sure

Posted by Tandemjay on 7/24/24 at 7:49 pm
[quote]still suffering from COVID? that shite wiped me out the two times I had it.[/quote] Bummer, I got over the flu in a few days with nothing but Coors Light....
Warmongers unite ! This has been going on since the 70's and the US does this daily to DC's boogieman, Russia. Stop being distracted for the fact that we live in a banana republic....
The volume was way too loud. Eff Deere....
They said the same thing about obama care and the last budget that Johnson passed through the house....
[quote]Trump said wait till stories come out from Kamala's staff[/quote] Never gonna happen, the fbi has already visited them....

re: Trump trolls Kamala on her race

Posted by Tandemjay on 7/24/24 at 7:20 pm
[quote]She is both. Using her race is a mistake imho. All he really has to do is spam her talking and her policies.[/quote] Wrong, read the room. Blacks are the most exclusive when it comes to accepting someone into their fold. Trump needs to tactfully make her "black" claims front news until ...
The government in DC is an AINO. ...
[quote]Only he doesn't say who they are.[/quote] For anyone awake for the last 30 years, it's obvious. "They are the dems and the GOPe, the uni-party....
It's not just the left. The GOPe enable the left. The GOPe and the left are both cheeks on the same arse....
Why not? Because the fbi takes over every investigation in order to protect their's and the cia's under the table funding. If Trump doesn't close the cia with in EO and cut the fbi by 90%, we will know that he has finally been co-opted....
[quote]Yes. Him and Garland are low hanging fruit for impeachment as they’re failing to perform their duties. [b]For the life of me I can’t see why House Pubs haven’t done so already[/b].[/quote] The uni-party is real....
Trump was hard on him, but I wonder if border agents are giving him info about El Salvadoran criminals crossing the border....
[quote]Who is "they"?[/quote] The same they, that took out JFK....