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Registered on:3/5/2022
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NATO has to go. Europe needs to be freed from the American boot. ...
[quote]I beg to differ. Biden wants very much that Ukraine be destroyed along with all the evidence of his treason. [/quote] Yeah because that's what this is about.... ...
A GOP Senator literally called for the assassination of Putin this week. This ain't a Team Red Team Blue thing. Nothing is. UNIPARTY! ...
[quote]Why do you hate America?[/quote] [img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/3oxHQCoIwppvOPRKYU/200.gif[/img] America: Worlds greatest human beings. Worlds worst government and elite class. ...
[quote]For the love of Pete! These idiots won’t be happy until we are in an actual war!!! [/quote] We already are. Economic deplatforming a whole country and funding the weapons of their Enemies is pretty cut and dried. ...
[quote]Before Trump, JFK was the last President not owned by the Cabal. You see how it turned out for those two. [/quote] Oswald was going to expose a lot of connections until Jack RUBENSTEIN killed him. ...
[quote]Yet back then (I assume as I wasn't alive yet) it just seems we were also still on the same team[/quote] They've been on the same team since the Federal Reserve Act - but that ain't your team. ...
[quote]it’s good but definitely has an agenda [/quote] Elaborate?...
"No blood for gay pride parades in Kiev" more like it. ...
Rumors are Russia will look to sell oil for Gold. Of which they have been stockpiling for years. ...
[quote]Read Alexander Dugin[/quote] Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn...
[quote]Judaism is a religion anyone can join by conversion. Once converted, you are considered and treated as any other Jew from any other background.[/quote] Then why the DNA testing? [link=(https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-israeli-high-court-allows-dna-testing-to-prove-judaism-1....
[quote]These people, our rulers, aren’t just morons, they’re profoundly dangerous. [/quote] The onslaught of television, movies, etc has most Americans living in a hyper-reality. A simulation of the real world almost. We really are a fake country. Only a fake arse country could permit open borde...
[link=(https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/us-debates-aid-possible-zelenskyy-government-exile-rcna18817)]NBC News[/link] This is absolutely outrageous. This whole episode has exposed the total narrative control in America the media has and how stupid the average person is. Discard mask ...