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Registered on:2/11/2022
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[quote]I think it's clear that we have one hell of a baseball coach in Jay Johnson, so maybe he will be the coach that breaks the trend and can take LSU to a NC from start to finish.[/quote] you mean like he did two years ago?...
Again, what was the state of the Notre dame program that freeman inherited? It was in great shape bc of what Kelly did ESPECIALLY those last 5 yrs. What was the state of the lsu program when Kelly took over? Should Kelly have outperformed Freeman over those two years given the respective hands they...
No genius. You asked how Notre dame is doing now. The answer is their program has regressed from where Kelly left it (using Kelly’s last five years at ND as a sample size). He left freeman a playoff caliber program and freeman has done considerably worse w it. Compare that to what Kelly took over (...
If Riley has another season like last year he may be on his way out. We for sure dodged a bullet there. I’m a big kiffin fan though. His recruiting scares me but so did Kelly’s and he’s crushing it in that area. This year is a big year for kiffin to prove he can provide some consistency and stab...
[quote]LSU should have a young, energetic coach. [/quote] Such as?...
[quote]How’s Notre Dame doing since he left?[/quote] Worse than the 5 yrs prior...
4* legacy commitment who bumped their class to one spot from the top 30! Napier doin work!...
[quote]What has BK done to justify his $10 M a year?[/quote] Back to back 10 win seasons after taking over half a roster (including winning the sec west yr one) Stabilized the program Recruiting at high level...
[quote]A&M returns their whole team, why would they be 5?[/quote] Bc they don’t return their whole team and bc they lost the best coach they’ve ever had. It’s really not tough to understand....
[quote]But if he is out, and the next guy can come in and retain a lot of the talent he’s amassed[/quote] I think that’s the biggest surprise. For a guy known as a recruiter first and foremost his recruiting has been avg to below avg. he hasn’t amassed nearly as much talent as one would have expe...
[quote]aTm[/quote] So we have too many question marks but the team who lost its very successful HC and replaced him w an assistant doesn’t? The rant at its finest...

re: What’s your game to watch?

Posted by Returnofzeus on 7/22/24 at 10:24 pm
[quote]LSU vs duke elite 8 game in 06[/quote] Sweet 16...

re: What’s your game to watch?

Posted by Returnofzeus on 7/22/24 at 10:10 pm
2007 vs va tech is a good one ...
Not w Cristobal as their HC...
[quote]Let alone even a 55 y/o Mike Tyson?[/quote] A 55 yr old Tyson would be an improvement...
I do too but doubt it happens. Perry is a brawler who doesn’t play defense at all. Paul is obnoxious af but has better boxing skills and this isn’t a street fight...
[quote]I suppose you where not aware of the roster updates on NCAA 14.[/quote] No as an adult I am not aware of video game roster updates but I am aware that there’s literally no correlation between the virtual world and real life...