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Yep. It looks like it is. I think I found the original. [img]https://i.redd.it/6oihcxebws1d1.jpeg[/img]...
I have seen a lot of the "Halo" UNSC Cybertruck mods on Reddit. Definitely want one too! Don't know about Master Chief riding on the back, though. :lol:...
[quote]Reductions in turn time is code for, “with assigned seating wheelchair usage will be reduced 90%”[/quote]we can't end this, though. I have seen so many people healed in flight! 6 wheel chairs get on, only need 2 wheel chairs to get off. I guess the plane is closer to Jesus (being in the sky) ...
[quote]”The United States can’t preach temperance from a barstool,” said Ed Markey, the Democratic senator and proponent of the Green New Deal. “We can’t tell other countries to reduce greenhouse gases as we export oil and gas to them.[/quote]LOL. Why not? That’s exactly what Norway does on a daily ...
[quote]Why do people care so much about Swift's private jet? Just seems like a weird fixation. Rich people have private jets. They use them to get places. Whoop de doo.[/quote][img]https://i.imgflip.com/3euxk7.jpg[/img]...
[quote]Her MLM LLC writes off the note. Trade it in a couple yrs down the road when the taxman starts asking when the LLC is going to make any money.[/quote]as my CPA says, “all tax advice and deductions are legal until you get audited”. ...
[quote]Cultural traditions that you just can't get behind or understand?[/quote]only male cheerleaders … looking at you, Aggie ...
Edit: Baw got it fixed ...
[quote]mauser[/quote][quote]Billy Mays[/quote] I bet his job is to greet all the atheist in the afterlife with "But wait, THERE's MORE!"...
[quote]Fastball - The Way[/quote]a sad song about an elderly couple with dementia who dove off into the desert together and died when their car ran out of gas. They just sat In their car and dehydrated / heat stroke to death. ...
[quote]Elon Musk shares an AI video on X of Trump killing Biden[/quote] best clickbait headline of the day here ya go. [quote]Elon Musk shares an AI video on X of Trump and Biden reacting out the final Matrix battle[/quote]...
[quote]After Dark[/quote] [img]https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.5278892138.2067/flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.webp[/img]...
My grandmother washed and use glass mayo jars for her diet cokes :lol: . Loved it. ...
[quote]So we all go the office and sit at our computers for TEAMS meetings. Like if we're all here, why are we not meeting F2F[/quote]this ...
[quote]The married and having sex check in thread[/quote]checking in , nice 630am wake each other up routine. ...
A very iconic Congresswoman. RIP. ...

re: Elon Sick of California

Posted by evil cockroach on 7/17/24 at 3:36 pm
Yep. I’d never claim residency in California, but I’d live there in a heart beat. ...