Favorite team:Alabama 
Number of Posts:370
Registered on:11/7/2021
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[img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GRfaQ4mXwAAvpu6?format=jpg&name=small[/img] [link=(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OqIpzZ2fsQ)]"Queer Tattoo" - Stephen Lynch[/link]...
This is a dog-whistle for Cannon to bring it....
[quote]Are you suggesting our side should simply give up?[/quote] You assume we’re “on your side”. What side is that?...
The income tax is not about generating revenue — it is about governing behavior....
[quote]You should have read it all[/quote] You literally highlighted the words “when elected” in Art 1, Sec 3, as if that proved your point. The system of appointments is only used for cabinets....
[quote]There is democracy on the federal level: Art 1, Sec. 2: quote: No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which ...
[quote]He is their spokesperson - I take it as a condescending slam many folks on this board that they you don't know think they know what is going on.[/quote] Well, when someone says they hate Biden, they are either misspeaking or out of touch with what is actually happening. Dude is nothing but...
[quote]I don't recall F15 pilots and ground crew being bulletproof[/quote] I don’t recall meeting many pilots who would be willing to drop bombs on American citizens… By the way, for those of you thinking that this doddering old idiot runs anything you are as stupid as he is...
[quote]if the Cleveland DA let her out of jail. what is anyone going to do? [/quote] I know some people who’d take care of it for a case of Natty Light...
Biden makes Warren Harding look like a 2-bit shoplifter...
[quote] Skittles is candy for people who cant handle chocolate.[/quote] Yeah, but they don’t have any trouble heading down the Hershey highway...
Like last month’s employment numbers, that total will be adjusted downward....
[quote]Borders: corporations want cheap labor and more fatties to feed. Trump wants controlled and legal immigration. Trade: corporations want free markets into the U.S. so they can sell their cheap goods into America unincumbered using Asian slave labor. Trump would rather tariff those goods to pa...
[quote]As you go through the acts Trump and Trump Corp. took there is not one act that is illegal. NOT A SINGLE ONE. [/quote] I remind you that no one innocent has ever been convicted in a court of law…EVER!...