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Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:180
Registered on:10/17/2021
Online Status:Not Online

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My head cares about the economy. My heart can’t deal with wacko social agendas crammed down our throats all the time. Both consistently lead me to vote republican. ...
Get ready to bend over and take it. Had 100 feet plus a 14 foot tunnel under the house to replace what was busted up by tree roots. Let’s say I could have purchased a vehicle with what that cost. ...
I still remember when Intergalactic came out. Would blow the damn speakers out listening to that. Hooch is a good one too. Totally different vibe. Could pair that with some Sublime. ...
[quote]I started TRT[/quote] What is TRT?...
[quote]It's been fun trolling them on r/Houston[/quote] The Houston and Texas subreddits are just full of complainers and whiners. ...
[quote]The answer is Nuss.[/quote] I want him to do as well as the next guy but why make a post with wrong information? We all know the answer is Joey B. I wish I could watch that game and that season in real time again. We likely won’t see that again quite like that. ...
I say irregardless for all intensive purposes. ...
[quote] low is the day LSU hired Les Miles.[/quote] He won us a natty. Christ. This “it makes me look cool to bash Miles” attitude by so many members of this board lately is stupid. ...
Put in the college funds for my kids ...
Unsure why people downvote Reese being an all star? Weird. ...
As a kid my favorite tennis player was Andre Agassi - saw him play in person quite a few times. When he passes it’ll bring back those memories and I’ll surely be sad. ...
I can understand the Les trash talk considering his last seasons at LSU were less than desirable. And yeah he made some dumb bone headed decisions. But saying the team won the championship in spite of Les being coach is just stupid. While we lucked out that more dumb things didn’t happen with Les at...
Sounds like you had a wonderful father and that you had some fantastic times together. God bless. ...
[quote]Those fricking cups.[/quote] Yeah pretty much. Sat there at that crappy game we lost drinking out of that crappy arse cup. Their fans suck. They’re all delusional weirdos. ...
Flying the band out to Vegas is just a huge expense. The full band trip during the season is a bus trip and bowl trips are subsidized with bowl money - if the budget isn’t there it’s not there. ...
[quote]I know he is only a sophomore[/quote] As in he was a freshman last year. ...