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Registered on:9/9/2021
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re: I been waiting for this moment

Posted by sidewalkside on 7/26/24 at 10:17 am
[quote]Go be about your numbers. Not here.[/quote] He's so about his numbers he's posting on the OT about how being so about his numbers. ...

re: I been waiting for this moment

Posted by sidewalkside on 7/26/24 at 9:59 am
[quote]I love talking to people who wish I would go awa[/quote] We feel the same about you ...
The OT is trashy Poli board is a bunch of loons Soccer board...rainbow hair Rant is the rant SEC rant is a cesspool ...

re: Has TigerCoop Resurfaced?

Posted by sidewalkside on 7/26/24 at 9:26 am
I got 1 downvote...he's still watching the board but still too traumatized to speak. ...

Has TigerCoop Resurfaced?

Posted by sidewalkside on 7/26/24 at 8:56 am
Baseball is over...Anybody seen Old Coop recently? ...
Barely any olympics coverage. Not long ago the olympics was hyped for months and months before they started and it was a "big deal" now it seems to be a yawn and meh ...
Or did he just talk generally about passing the torch?...

re: OT Legal advice needed

Posted by sidewalkside on 7/25/24 at 12:11 pm
[quote]That’s what I’m saying but some parties think that this new customer is obligated to hold said contract from old cus[/quote] Most likely not unless that was very specifically called out in the sale/purchase contract of the boat by the new owner. ...

re: OT Legal advice needed

Posted by sidewalkside on 7/25/24 at 12:07 pm
[quote]We have a contract with the original customer who had the widgets on his vessel. We still own the widgets. They just stay in their vessel.[/quote] This is not hard. You need to either go get your widgets or get a new contract with the new owner to rent your widgets. ...

re: OT Legal advice needed

Posted by sidewalkside on 7/25/24 at 12:00 pm
Do you even Novate bro?...
[quote]Typical response. Nothing to say huh?[/quote] What do you want me to say Guru? Why are you so mad? You seem awfully upset about a post on a message board. If you need help please don't be too proud to seek help :rotflmao:...
[quote]Shouldn’t you be protesting for hamas in DC right now you little fricking dork? Go chant some corny shite and screech about ‘the resistance’ you socially awkward loser.[/quote] :rotflmao:...
This board is scared of their own shadows...just don't leave your house and you'll be safe. ...
[quote]"just asking questions, that's all...now you guys are getting all riled up...so much anger!" (*clutches pearls*) frick off[/quote] [quote]Sam Quint[/quote] Sam lost his job to a DEI hire :rotflmao:...
[quote]Is that the answer you wanted[/quote] Nah I just enjoy watching you all cry about silly things ...
[quote]no one calls it baw network you fricking putz[/quote] Did you forget you were on the OT Baw board??? :rotflmao: [quote]But that network was based on familiarity,similarity, common bonds .common friends, common networks, and family. which meant that there was an underlying reason to get...
The OT baws love to complain about DEI hires but what about a good ole baw who got hired simply because he has a buddy at the company or is pals with the hiring manager? Why is one acceptable and the other not? UPDATE: Initial responses are neither are acceptable and both are bad...but I don...
[quote]I’d say the “bad neighborhoods” are the ones that changed.[/quote] So Mr Freak43 has become old and fragile in his days? ...
Or have they become old scared fragile men in their later years? I've never seen a groups of supposed tough baws so scared of neighborhoods. ...