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Registered on:8/2/2021
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JFK is the go to event, but 9-11 is really starting to stick out to me....
There can be no going forward until the unredacted JFK files are released. The truth being brought to light is the best disinfectant for these vermin. We can handle the truth, stop with the protecting the public BS, it just gives a vague excuse to continue to operate in the shadows. That conversatio...
Pence was so principled that he was in secret talks with Paul Ryan to take over the presidency once Trump was impeached by Russia Russia. All the while knowing it was a sham. Pence is fake, his run for the nomination shattered all illusions that he had....
I had a great great great grandfather killed at Vicksburg on the last day of the siege, he was in Co H, 40th Mississippi Infantry. Another great great great grandfather in Co H , 19th Regiment, Louisiana Infantry. He fought in all of the major battles from Shiloh, Chickamauga, Atlanta, Franklin, ...
I live in northwest Louisiana, this year I’ve seen these green energy wackos clear 300 or more acres of prime hardwoods to install solar panel farms. The wildlife has reacted accordingly, predators and prey both pushing into city limits looking for food. These same corporate welfare mongrels are als...
The entire media has been part of this cover up and a proponent of this sham government....
Riots, more egregious law fare, start a war to suspend elections, all on the table. They tried, unsuccessfully to “ Nixon “ Trump, the JFK option is all they have left. ...
A Supreme Court Justice using hyperbole like I’ve never seen. The propaganda arm of the uni party is in full panic mode. Biden calls a press conference to address the nation and bombs again. You on the left were so arrogant and were exposed for the lying sacks of crap that you are on the debate s...
I’m buying oil wells, plan to be the next Jerry Jones and find me some glory hole……...
If he had dropped that bombshell he may have gained another 5% to 10% of the black and Latino vote....
If the media had done the job of an honest free press to inform America, these idiots would fold like a house of cards. She can’t handle any form of pushback....
This election will not be won on childcare, green energy, climate. This election will come down to inflation, border security, inflation, crime, and jobs. Trump keeps going back and pushing these points brilliantly, Socialist talking points do not matter....