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re: Latest Updates: Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Posted by LSU7096 on 10/21/24 at 11:31 pm
Obama let him have Crimea but Trump is the bad guy? ...
SHITTY employees, they're being paid to play they need to fricking play...
[quote] These are no hoax. They happened and we all saw it. These are just the Trumpworld convictions related to Russia.[/quote] SOME PEOPLE ARE FULL OF TDS. Bless your heart and feeble brain. ...
Biden is brain dead Pedo who let's Treasonous Blinken lead the world to war! ...
He did but he sent the blankets and 1st aid kits for comfort...
[quote]That's all Obama did publicly... behind the scenes he provided Ukraine with military aid (or rather, just out of making it a headline pushed at press conferences), despite the GOP talking point that people have accepted as gospel... they were trying to keep Putin on point for the Iran non-nuk...

re: Are most voters dumb as trees?

Posted by LSU7096 on 8/19/24 at 6:46 am
Shelia Jackson Lee Barbara Boxer Al Green David Duke Clay Higgins Jesse Jackson Jr And countless others prove the stupidity of our electorate Need to change voting laws with minimum IQ and net tax payer requirements ...
We have +35 Trillion in Debt. Need to curb spend across the budget. Need all people who are not net contributors to Fed Income to stop voting. They elect poorly qualified individuals who have given us this debt. Too much political pandering to the dependent class. ...
Consumption taxes are not significant, and generally fun local government taxes. If you do not pay federal taxes, you should not vote for politicians that determine spending and tax collection....
[quote]This is why democrats win elections. Almost half or more want the party of entitlements in office.[/quote] Keep them healthy enough to produce more uneducated voters, that is what the welfare system does. ...
Not the same concept. Income taxes are significantly higher. ...
40.1% SHOULD NOT VOTE!!!!!!!!!!! ...
Legal immigrants, no we should not. Illegal immigrants, yes as every sovereign country does. Try that shite in Mexico. ...

re: I just can't support Israel any more

Posted by LSU7096 on 8/11/24 at 7:20 am
Maybe they will stop on October 7th? ...
NEW MEXICO says hold my beer. Places is worse than MS delta. Without federal laboratories and military this economy is shite and only has Oil/Gas in SE NM. Mental health and drug addiction is very high per capita. ...
No condemnation of the Muslims who are killing British kids. Damn Cuck! ...