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That makes sense, good points by Chael. Also, the fighters are probably so jacked up with adrenaline on the night of a fight that they probably don't sleep much afterward anyway, regardless of the starting time....
Does the UFC sell a ton more PPVs if the starting time is favorable to the American audience? If not, they should just make the starting times favorable for the local UK audience. 9pm UK main event would be 3pm here, a late morning / afternoon prelims card, no big deal. Making the guys fight overnig...
Woops-a-daisy, didn't see that. Hard to compete with the internet, the guy who originally posted that had it out just after 1am on July 14....
No one even mentions that he hasn't gone back on Twitter. I'm sure he thought of some really sick burns he could have tweeted, but instead he kept it to Truth Social, incredible restraint. Only tweet was the instantly iconic mugshot photo. Which is amazing that he nailed that in one take, first-shot...
The possibility that Alex Pereira might be using shamanic magic to defeat his opponents is the funniest thing I've ever heard. Even funnier since I'm sure Jiri sincerely believes that and is spooked by it. I actually think it is possible, but just the idea of it is hilarious....
Talbott made it look easy vs. Saaiman. Let's see how he does tonight....
I feel like a lot of people are picking Jiri to win. I think he might just because what Pereira is doing is so rare / hard to keep up. You can't win 'em all basically. But Jiri better keep his hands up. Pretty much the worst thing against Pereira is what Jiri does all the time, hands down by his sid...

Trump Ghostbusters Video - On Our Own

Posted by Big Fat Guy on 6/27/24 at 10:45 pm
[img]https://i.postimg.cc/W3yQWjNY/054efe8e-649b-4523-a953-15a325a131ef.gif[/img] [img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExbGk4ejBwOWdoMHZ1OTNhdGpoc3puODlyZXdsd2FpZW01ZXI4bDF0OCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/12A3hKKsewxtGE/giphy.webp[/img]...
Ghostbusters II came out the weekend before Batman. Rick Moranis was hilarious in GB2, too. Peak Moranis time. [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/c2d9f058475dbe9f0c12399234f266b4/tumblr_mt3lhhO4Cv1rhxd21o1_500.gif[/img] [img]https://i.gifer.com/2csM.gif[/img]...

re: UFC Saudi Arabia starting now

Posted by Big Fat Guy on 6/22/24 at 5:00 pm
I underrated Whittaker going into this fight. I thought he was kind of bland and boring, plus he had the loss to DDP. Didn't think he could beat Khamzat. But he's strong and that was a great showing....

re: UFC Saudi Arabia starting now

Posted by Big Fat Guy on 6/22/24 at 2:24 pm
Walker's confidence has to be seriously shaken. First Ankalaev and now this. He had a bit of hype going for him, unconventional style, but he's taking his lumps now....

re: UFC Saudi Arabia starting now

Posted by Big Fat Guy on 6/22/24 at 2:03 pm
Man. Can't think of too many fights where both guys landed so many punches....

re: UFC Saudi Arabia starting now

Posted by Big Fat Guy on 6/22/24 at 1:49 pm
I think maybe it was a matter of expectations. The other guy was on a win streak or something, and I think they said it was Lima's UFC debut? Plus the other guy looked a bit bigger, so maybe they felt Lima was the underdog in that sense....

re: UFC Saudi Arabia starting now

Posted by Big Fat Guy on 6/22/24 at 1:36 pm
Great win for Lima. Seemed outsized and outmuscled, but he was speedy and bold, got the choke. Good stuff....

re: UFC Saudi Arabia starting now

Posted by Big Fat Guy on 6/22/24 at 11:43 am
Sudden victory round? What was Anik saying?...

re: UFC Saudi Arabia starting now

Posted by Big Fat Guy on 6/22/24 at 11:36 am
Brutal fight. Like some illegal bloodsport stuff you'd see in a sweaty backroom in China or something....