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For those suggesting audits: https://www.michigan.gov/sos/0,4670,7-127-1640_9150-553386--,00.html For those who suggest Michigan’s audits are somehow inadequate, does that mean you accept the Georgia results? Those audits were comprehensive. Why would anyone want to pay for whatever audit you...
Just dropping this here: [link=(https://www.bridgemi.com/michigan-government/gop-investigation-finds-no-michigan-vote-fraud-deems-many-claims-ludicrous)]https://www.bridgemi.com/michigan-government/gop-investigation-finds-no-michigan-vote-fraud-deems-many-claims-ludicrous[/link] Led by Sen. Ed...

re: Sidney Powell with the truth bomb!!

Posted by LightHeat on 3/26/21 at 12:12 pm
[quote]Almost all of those legal challenges were resolved on procedural bases, as opposed to some substantive determination of the validity of election results.[/quote] This is also not a fair characterization. I will note that AggieHank86 said "validity of the election results" and not "fraud",...
[quote]Again this is not corruption. There needs to be some illegality for there to be corruption. It is not corrupt to pardon people. This is no worse then Obama pardoning known traitors and terrorists.[/quote] First, I agree with you on Obama pardoning traitors (if you mean commuting the sent...
[quote]You're off to a rousing start with your "list." I think we can cross #1 off[/quote] SCANDAL #3: Trump has played golf 298 times since taking office, or just under 1/4 of his entire presidency (10 months of only golf, every day). Estimates vary on how much this cost taxpayers between tens...
[quote]You're off to a rousing start with your "list." I think we can cross #1 off[/quote] Be honest: you would have blown a gasket had, say, Hillary Clinton hired Chelsea to oversee COVID. Also, you can hire outside the beltway without hiring your unqualified kids, right? You're also going t...
[quote]An avalanche, huh?! That’s Interesting. Can you give us some examples?[/quote] Sure. I’ll keep adding for a few days until we all get tired of it. Let’s start at the beginning, with a simple one where we should be able to agree on the facts: SCANDAL #1: Trump hired his daughter and son...
[quote]what the hell is this? are you talking about biden? you're damn sure not talking about trump [/quote] I am talking about Trump. Do we need to go through it?...
[quote]Read the whole story. Joe Biden linked to Hunter Biden activity. Like I said, this is an ongoing investigation.[/quote] Ok, I read it. This doesn’t say what you think it says (you’re already hedging with “it’s an ongoing investigation”), and it’s not particularly credible in any case (I ca...
[quote]Start here.[/quote] Thanks, I will. Who are the people in the video, and who supplied the translation (if you know)?...
[quote]Your "low hanging fruit on healthcare" remark is telling. [/quote] No it isn’t. What I mean by “low-hanging fruit” is probably the opposite of what you think I mean. I mean don’t try some difficult re-org of the entire system, just target easy things (that are being blocked by insurer/ph...
[quote]the more money/power you give these people the more corrupt they will become. Wash DC is a cesspool of corruption. Yet you want to grow government at every turn. Your answer for everything.[/quote] I agree with you on this part, except where you incorrectly assume you know my point of view...
[quote]This tells me you are clueless.[/quote] I’ll agree in advance that Hunter Biden’s work for Burisma stinks. Now show me why it’s so clear, and so widely accepted, that Joe Biden corruptly dealt with Ukraine [u]and[/u] China that someone would be clueless to doubt it. I’ll listen to eviden...
[quote]So you're half Commie?[/quote] That actually made me laugh....
[quote]So you don't want corruption but you voted for a guy who was appointed point man for Ukraine and China relations and 6 months later his crack head son was withdrawing bags of cash from both these countries. Brilliant.[/quote] Sure, but the connection you’re making is probably bullshite, and...
[quote]Trying to learn what democrat policies led you to vote for them AND specifically how those policies make America better. Looking forward to some good policy discussion. [/quote] I voted against Trump; I was not particularly excited by Biden’s policies. I hope unified Dem control will p...
[quote]Not familiar with many of the players and who knows if it's signed or not, I was just asking a logical question: If invoking the Insurrection Act automatically triggers removal via the 25th, why even have Insurrection Act?[/quote] Your logic is correct, and it wouldn’t. I think the reas...
[quote]There is no insurrection for the President to quell. If the attack upon the capital building had persisted last week, President Trump could have invoked it. It would not have applied nationally unless the insurgency spread beyond DC.[/quote] Trump has no legal cover here, nor does he reall...
[quote]The courts are always likely to see this as a laches issue if the legislature had time to act and did not.[/quote] Or if a [i]campaign[/i] had time to act before the election, and did not....