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Link to X story https://x.com/fireandaviation/status/1787635895241257388?s=61 If this article is to be believed, numerous passengers confirmed the passengers version....

re: Jewish mom calls UCLA security

Posted by fisherscatfan on 4/30/24 at 6:12 pm
Use a separate entrance. So back to the “separate but equal days” is where the US is at I guess....
[quote]So banks should be forced to do business with him, by the government? Small government conservatives, folks.[/quote] This is such a moronic comment. The government heavily regulates banking, dictates their lending policies including lending money to individuals with risk profiles that do ...
The NASCAR lynching noose. ...
[quote]I agree that we need tax reform and clear oversight into how the taxes are spent, but you can't just end taxes. There are roads and bridges and schools that do need dollars. [/quote] I agree but most of those items should be paid for at the state level without the taxes going to the Feder...
I live in Indiana and that little bitch Pence would not win an election in his home state....

re: Term Limits

Posted by fisherscatfan on 3/11/24 at 11:53 pm
[quote]We have term limits now. They’re called elections.[/quote] bullshite. The federal government was never meant to be this large with this much power. The federal government has way too much say over the average American’s life. I do not get to vote for Nancy Pelosi or Chuckie, or Schiff e...
[quote]The amount of democrats (and frankly some anti corporate populists) who cannot grasp that corporate taxes are paid by everyday Americans in the form of reduced capital gains, reduced wages, higher prices, etc is staggering. His budget today calls for raising it to highest in oecd[/quote] ...
[quote]So let me get this straight, your son enlists in the military knowing the risks involved, gets killed, and you want to blame others?[/quote] Did you get the attention you so deeply craved?...
Once again Jerry is a fricking moron. The point is the government should be doing its best to ensure all citizens are not encountering illegals. Instead the government is doing just the opposite....
Along with a ton of illegals although deported vs fleeing. Would be glorious!...
A damn squirrel could build a hell of a nest in those eyebrows....
[quote]How the hell did we let these radicals take over[/quote] My opinion is the average Democrat that conservatives are friends with or know that votes Democrat do not hold these radical views. Therefore the casual R thought it wasn’t really that bad. The average D did not believe the radical ...
The Dems have long said it is fine to harass Republicans and judges in public but cannot stand when it happens to them. [link=(https://x.com/collinrugg/status/1764829403895460340?s=61)]Collin Rugg tweet[/link] ...
[quote]Promoted terrorism on January 6 that permanently harmed millions. The injury to Americans who watched in horror and whose confidence in democracy was shattered is incalculable. I know many who haven't slept well since that day.[/quote] Give the trolling effort a C+....
If they want to supply Russia with weapons, just send them the weapons. No need to have the French travel that far just to drop their weapons....
[quote]Calling bull shite. A lot more businesses were partially shut down than just AT&T. AT&T was just the biggest. Solar flares. The x-ray signals were literally off the charts before the outages. Monitoring x-ray frequency is just an indicator for many other frequencies that can potentially do ...
Chicago allegedly allowed for only three races: White, Black and Hispanic. Guess Asians and Native Americans along with others just didn’t exist. ...
[quote]it is possible to think all of this (and i agree with everything you've said) without wishing for someone to be raped.[/quote] Never said i wished that, but I certainly can understand it when the left ideologically wants to destroy the opportunity for my kids and millions like me based solel...
[quote]You might need need to take a break from politics son.... damn.. I wouldn't say that about my worst enemy...[/quote] I used to feel that way too about needing a break from politics but then I realized that the liberals are not having some minor philosophical differences with the right. ...