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Number of Posts:37
Registered on:9/10/2020
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Think about this for a minute. You can ship roughly 3,000,000 plastic grocery bags on a single truck to a given customer. You can only fit roughly 260,000 paper bags on that same truck. Therefore you need 11 1/2 trucks of paper bags for every truck of plastic bags. For reference, a grocer...

re: Stray cat question.

Posted by AUTailgater on 12/28/23 at 10:18 am
Go get it fixed. It’s your pet now ...
Only while running in the opposite direction with a helmet on...
But she does have a giant throat ...
Yes House No Car - convertible Fiat Spider...
My brother is addicted to huffing nitrous and gets his canisters from a vape shop in Atlanta He's been buying these form one for at least a year that we know of https://www.shopgalaxygas.com/products/new-top-whip-infusion-xl-0-95l-580g-nitrous-oxide-n2o-tank...
Unfortunately, John McCain voted for Hobbs in this election...
No such thing as a democrat worth voting for ...

re: WTF is going on in this tweet?

Posted by AUTailgater on 11/3/22 at 5:54 pm
What's the difference in pretending to be an animal and pretending to be a different sex? Both are mental disorders...

re: "Preacher" going off on Walker

Posted by AUTailgater on 10/31/22 at 11:14 am
Time to end his tax free status ...
I will never understand spending millions of dollars for a job that only pays $95,000/year...
I guess this takes Fetterman's terrible performance off the front pages...
Why can’t they do it now?...
Gas may not be close to $5 but Diesel is ...
@tigerforever. Since it is a “cost sharing” program and not technically insurance, there is not really a network. You can go wherever you want. ...
We actually dropped BCBS when it got to $1,700+ for family of 4. I signed up for Medishare, which I pay $430/month for a $10,000 deductible plan. It basically turns us into a cash customer for all minor things. Being all relatively healthy, we save over $1200/month on premiums which helps pay...

re: Would you take this job?

Posted by AUTailgater on 5/4/22 at 11:09 pm
Start your own company...
FUBU, you do realize that if you don't keep up with your Booster schedule you are no longer considered vaccinated....