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Registered on:8/26/2020
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re: Professional non-compete clauses

Posted by mamey111 on 1/4/24 at 8:04 am
Choice of forum clauses in non-competes are not valid or enforceable in Louisiana, just letting you know in case it is important in your situation. In order for it to be valid, you have to consent to Delaware jurisdiction AFTER you have left and started working for the competitor or when your former...
I have not trusted most of Kiran's reporting for a few months now, although I know most people in BR think she is golden so I am in the minority on that one. I started doubting her based on the Allie Rice case because it seemed much of her reporting was all over the place. This time around it is p...

re: Allison Rice murder investigation

Posted by mamey111 on 9/24/22 at 1:06 pm
It could be that when they say the witness does not exist, they do not mean that in literal terms but mean that there was nobody there. I am thinking they somehow know that there was no car on the other side of the tracks and hence “no witness exists” but do not want to say how they know for some r...