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re: People who talk over other people

Posted by James11111 on 7/26/24 at 4:15 pm
I had a tendency to interrupt people from time to time when my thoughts got ahead of me. Ive worked on improving myself in that manner and rarely do it any more. I try not to judge other people when they do it because it doesnt always mean they are a jerk....
[quote]Didn't he get accused of joke stealing or am I misremembering?[/quote] That was Carlos Mencia....
The longest ive ever driven without stopping for gas was about 6 hours. I felt proud of myself. That was part of a Dallas to Vegas alone; about 17.5 hours total only stopping for gas and to piss....
To be fair, Kid Rock is almost 75....
[quote]Why...make him go to work and pay the family 40% of the for the rest of his life I think the guy is reckless ...not violent. Putting him in prison costs tax payers money. And doesn't replace some semblance of financial quality of life for the widow/family[/quote] There is definitely prece...

re: Salesforce - what is it like?

Posted by James11111 on 7/17/24 at 10:06 am
[quote]yall are way too bloated headcount wise.[/quote] That’s a dumb thing to say when you don’t even know what kind of business it is. lol ...
[quote]We are not.[/quote] [img]https://i.makeagif.com/media/5-05-2023/2ury7O.gif[/img]...
There are a lot of characters here, which brings in a lot of the traffic. Is it time to give them their own small platform to grow the site? People more interseting than me for sure; but there are a lot of characters here. ...

re: The best picture ever taken

Posted by James11111 on 7/14/24 at 8:20 pm
[quote]Go eat some grass.[/quote] [img]https://cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/2441216/leseats.0.gif[/img]...
[quote]SirWinston[/quote] :bow:...
[quote]Sir, this is a Wendy’s.[/quote] :lol: That's awesome, where did you hear that?...

re: Monte Kiffin has passed away

Posted by James11111 on 7/11/24 at 9:29 pm
[quote][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GSPY7qUawAAi9Mi?format=jpg&name=900x900[/img][/quote] Thats a rough looking 84. RIP though....
[quote]He has 99 pitches[/quote] ...and a hit aint one....
[quote]Cash me outside girl got beat up[/quote] Howbow dah?...

re: Costco return policy

Posted by James11111 on 7/5/24 at 10:48 pm
Give it to Good Will....
[quote]Skenes may be the best player in the MLB[/quote] I dont know about that, but he does have the best pitching stats in the MLB this year if you factor in that he's only played half the games. ( assuming he would have performed as well with twice as many games )....