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Number of Posts:65
Registered on:6/14/2020
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[quote]Mond is receiving overwhelming support from his teammates—and especially former players—on this. Makes me sad.[/quote] You'll still spend thousands this fall ...

re: Ronald regan

Posted by Shrevewave on 6/17/20 at 8:49 am
Amnesty Ron...
[quote]Be patient, the Left ALWAYS overplay their hand..[/quote] The left is nearly undefeated over the past few decades while the right only gets tax cuts.......
[quote]We'll get through this and hopefully be stronger on the other side. [/quote] [img]https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/scaled/2013/12/18/article-0-1A2B262D00000578-818_636x382.jpg[/img]...
[quote]So maybe it isn’t as consequential is I thought.[/quote] If voting made a difference they wouldn't let you do it ...
[quote] Even if he wins another term, everything will go back to DNC/GOPe in the future.[/quote] And everyone will put their money energy and votes into that GOPe because "muh lesser of two evils" as if it matters how fast the car is moving as it goes over the cliff ...
[quote]While I am definitely in the camp that the decline/destruction of the USA is inevitable (all empires fall, especially ones that stop behaving like empires), Trump is clearly the finger in the dike. If he loses, we're done in less than 20 years. [/quote] If he loses we're done immediatel...
[quote]The democrats can’t have blacks get uppity and think about straying from their party come election time [/quote] Black people are quite content with their current situation. ...
[quote]When will “we” the people hold our government and media accountable for the divisiveness and what does that look like? The voting booth isn’t the lone and simple solution.[/quote] We need leadership directing massive boycotts. We need leadership at the state level to ignore fraudulent feder...
[quote]We are NOT a country as divided as the media wants you to believe.[/quote] Burying your head in your bread and circuses doesn't hide the fact that western civilization is quickly coming apart at the seams. This is primarily due to the influx of millions of non-European people. Thems the fact...
[quote]There is not a bit of difference in any of them[/quote] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Du0gNtUWsAALxzW.jpg:large[/img]...
If I point out liberal hypocrisy just. one. more. time. they'll surely see the light and vote with me...
[quote]Lol. This is getting ridiculous.[/quote] "First they came for the Confederate flags, and I said nothing because I'm not a confederate"...
[quote]I know the only reason this madness is allowed to go on is because God needs it to happen in order to fulfill scripture[/quote] This is ridiculous. The reason this madness goes on is because good men say nothing. They don't want to risk their purchasing power because who cares if drug use, l...
Systemic racism is the theft of one's nation and homeland through replacement migration. ...

UNLV removes "Running Rebel" statue

Posted by Shrevewave on 6/16/20 at 11:29 pm
[quote]When’s the last time you took a history class? For one your lucky if they teach kids about the civil war now. Secondly, if they do slavery is the root cause.[/quote] K-12 history now is essentially: 1. Civil War was fought to free the slaves. 2. George Washington Carver invented peanut ...
[quote]Of all the types of Civil War era monuments, this is the kind that should remain. [/quote] They all should remain ...

re: If Biden is elected ...

Posted by Shrevewave on 6/16/20 at 10:48 pm
[quote]This 401K thing keeps coming up. NO WAY this happens, unless they find a loophole that allows them to confiscate 401K funds from Conservatives only. NO ONE will be ok with their retirement nest egg being taken from them, and there will be significant backlash if they try[/quote] Well, it's c...