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re: Proof of Life?

Posted by tiger1616 on 7/22/24 at 1:11 pm
Does he routinely decline the party’s nomination for a second term and announce it on X with no follow-up? Can you at least admit this is a bit strange considering the gravity of his announcement? And the fact WH staff knew a minute before or when they got the alert on X?...

For nearly 50 years

Posted by tiger1616 on 7/22/24 at 8:26 am
This is an Instagram link, but pretty crazy. 3 families https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9uEAaDx5kP/?igsh=MW5wbmNwZnQ1Mjl4...
[quote]Where they jail priest and and kill journalists.[/quote] And don’t forget about the literal Nazis on ukraines side…...

re: WH Press Briefing 1:30 ET

Posted by tiger1616 on 7/3/24 at 1:16 pm
[quote]quote:Jet lag? Wasn’t he at camp David or his Delaware house the whole time before? What’s that 100 miles or so? WTF? Not sure about you, but I often get jet lag when I travel within the same time zone[/quote] On a private plane/helicopter to boot. Hell, it’s like a 2 hour drive max if the...

re: WH Press Briefing 1:30 ET

Posted by tiger1616 on 7/3/24 at 1:00 pm
Jet lag? Wasn’t he at camp David or his Delaware house the whole time before? What’s that 100 miles or so? WTF?...
[quote]Just look at the headline. They don’t care if he’s competent to run the country. They are worried if he can beat Trump. These people are sick[/quote] Also, no one is talking about him being fit to continue as the president. ...
[quote]Biden will become very agitated (as folks with dementia do) and people will say Trump is bullying him. I'll bet money that's the angle they take[/quote] Imagine being accused of bullying the freaking POTUS. But you’re right. The MSM will 100% say OMB...
If everything they’ve done is on the up and up, what do they have to worry about? ...
Carrying it, not freedom of speech. Burning it, freedom of speech. Make it make some sense to me please ...

re: Can anyone explain to me

Posted by tiger1616 on 5/14/24 at 5:17 pm
Yeah, buuuuuut, that’s not at all what cohen was saying...

re: Birmingham Shootings

Posted by tiger1616 on 5/14/24 at 8:05 am
[quote]The area they are talking about is on 3rd Ave just across i65 and that is considered downtown. The only damn reason there is no crime in the center of downtown is because everything is closed after dark except for where topgolf is and in Lakeview where cops continously circle the block when t...

re: Birmingham Shootings

Posted by tiger1616 on 5/13/24 at 5:25 pm
[quote]Which is so strange because the surrounding suburbs are some of the most pleasant places I’ve ever been. I feel pretty spoiled because crime isn’t something I ever worry about. Im somewhat concerned my 16 yo will wonder into the wrong part of town but cops do a great job of keeping the crimin...

re: Can anyone explain to me

Posted by tiger1616 on 5/13/24 at 1:03 pm
I need some explanation please, and I’m not being a dick. How could the US decide we want all of Niagara Falls for instance As for Mexico, going after cartels isn’t what Cohens unhinged arse was talking about. Again, he compared it to Putin and Ukraine. Lots of shots fired with that one. ...

Can anyone explain to me

Posted by tiger1616 on 5/13/24 at 12:53 pm
And by anyone I mean the ones with DTS the most, just how Trump is going to become a dictator/king overnight? Listening to talk radio here in Bham and they were playing clips of Cohen. This dipshite said Trump was going to invade/annex Canada and Mexico like Putin did in Ukraine. He said other craz...
[quote]Throw everything else out and the "remote access" should scare the hell out of everyone...[/quote] 100% This. I swear I’ve been told this was the most secure election ever. ...
I’m a firm believer sometimes violence is the answer...
The dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed. Phucking idiots ...

re: Haven’t Seen Many Protests

Posted by tiger1616 on 4/30/24 at 9:56 pm
100%. Some people really need to brush up on the definition of genocide. ...

re: Bill Kristol is growing alarmed!

Posted by tiger1616 on 4/30/24 at 12:25 pm
I’ve yet to hear any of these asshats explain just how Trump is going to get sworn in then immediately become a dictator and “end democracy as we know it”. It’s all such bullshite. ...