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[quote]So i gotta foot the bill for other peoples kids?[/quote] Pssst…you already do. No one on the Republican ticket is asking for it to go up. ...

re: ABC News tells the truth

Posted by NineLineBind on 7/26/24 at 7:06 pm
Could a white guy pull off that moustache in today's climate? I'm thinking no....
[quote]The dumb and poor reproduce the most and they already get financial incentives via welfare. Vance should talk about cutting financial incentives instead of adding to them.[/quote] And if they were the only ones who reproduced, we'd fade away in 2 generations due to negative growth rate. Als...
[quote] Neither the child bearing or childless has to be good or bad for this to be fair. It's not a punishment for those without kids. It's an incentive for for those having children.[/quote] Yep. 10 pages deep and we're fighting over a policy that helps the country in general and helps those wh...
Yes, it’s well done and eye-opening, even though I believe my eyes were open anyway. This needs to be a mandatory watch. ...
[quote]what about people without kids paying taxes to fund public schools?[/quote] We all pay taxes for things we don’t use. There’s US military equipment in the Middle East I’m sure I helped pay for. We can go down that rabbit hole, but I don’t think we’d get anywhere. I’m all for lowering ...
[quote]except for the statement “we should tax things we think are bad”[/quote] I took that as a generality, like the sin tax on tobacco. He could have worded it better, perhaps, but in short sound bytes maybe he couldn’t. ...
Sounds like he’s against raising taxes on taxpayers who have kids. Those without kids won’t be affected. Essentially, he’s advocating for lower taxes. ...
[quote]Portnoy wants to frick chicks and not have kids. Not that hard to understand.[/quote] He’s perfectly free to do that. And his taxes aren’t going up from this particular policy. ...
Does Dave Portnoy want to undo the Clinton legacy? Does he want more children living in poverty? Does he think Vance wants to increase taxes?...
This is good. Honor Corey and his family and at the same time keep the events of that date in the news cycle....

re: My neighbor is a cuck

Posted by NineLineBind on 7/26/24 at 3:46 pm
You should stick the "heels up" version right across from it. Wish I could find it at the moment....
I like the pick. To me, it signals strength in adherence to the constitution or at least trying to return to such a time. Pence was milquetoast. I believe Vance would govern much like Trump himself. After Kamala has a few weeks to sink herself, they need to get Vance out in the public and ta...
He has money and was from New York, which made him likely to donate and vote for democrats when he was a younger man. They were simply sidling up to the deep pockets. ...
[quote]Boneless wings should never be called wings in the first place.[/quote] Neither should drumsticks....
She's showing off her fangs, like a cat. It's meant to scare aware the questioner. [img]https://www.offthepress.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/AP23116025573742.jpg[/img]...
Why is she even buying records? They're making a comeback, aren't they? I get laughed at when I say "CDs" out loud. :lol:...
First of all, shrapnel from what? Secondly, does it even matter what hit him? He was shot at and never should have been. They’re completely missing the point, as if they even tried. ...
If it’s leftists protesting, they can burn buildings down. If protesters are on the right of the political spectrum, they can’t smudge their fingerprints on them without risking jail time. ...
There’s no one to compare to yet. The ink’s still wet on their presidential nominee and they haven’t even selected who Vance will debate. ...