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Location:the ATL
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Registered on:5/8/2020
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More proof that the J6 targets are political prisoners, not criminals ...
[quote]Did Trump make him quit too?[/quote] Trump broke Kimmel years ago :nana:...
[quote]The teleprompters were undamaged.[/quote] Correct …. Images of the stage, following the event, show both teleprompter screens undamaged....
[quote]She fine! Then and now! [/quote] No doubt .. [img]https://i.imgur.com/UrXPHIz.jpg[/img]...
Cancelled 2+ years ago … haven’t missed it a bit...
Agreed …. there’s a use case for both BTC and gold. Given the break from the petro dollar and the continued erosion of the USD , the demand for both assets should increase accordingly. Why not both? :cheers:...

re: Ron Paul vs. J.D. Vance

Posted by cadillacattack on 7/25/24 at 6:38 am
One of the significant commonalities between conservatives and libertarians is the belief in meritocracy …. a vision that is not tolerated among liberals. There are many more …. but meritocracy IS the American dream. ...
As per usual, Grassley doin’ work ! [img]https://i.imgur.com/JfCAI1B.jpg[/img]...
More gaslighting from the media … [img]https://i.imgur.com/VmQa53f.png[/img]...

re: Kamala is being Impeached

Posted by cadillacattack on 7/23/24 at 6:42 pm
[quote]Kamala Harris Wants Biden Administration Investigated for Failed Border Policies She is in Charge of September 21, 2021 It might sound like a weird headline, but the currently installed occupant of the White House specifically put Kamala Harris in charge of the southern border ...
national polls don't mean squat...