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Registered on:2/25/2020
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I stopped riding for, umm, reasons. ...
[quote]He was so Ronnie[/quote] King Ronnie, please also, in memoriam: [link=(https://imgur.com/a/RJ7gP2q)]King Ronnie Fights Thoth[/link]...
[quote]Doing well as frick* [/quote] Noted and corrected!...
Ok so I know the OT loves insider information..... But our float t-shirts next year will say, "thoth 2021: we're doing well as frick" and it will have Thoth giving someone the cleanest NIHC of all time. You heard it here first. ...
Well to be fair there's a lot of folks on our float that may or may not want their stuff out there. Idk what the protocol is. Better safe than sorry I guess? Doesn't everyone have alters? Can't we just enjoy the sweet sweet content King Ronnie graced us with? ...
[quote]Thoughts on changing this thread subject from “Baw” (n/a) to “Ronnie” or “Glen” or “Tristan” or some such?[/quote] My vote is for "King Ronnie" you know, to keep the original royal theme from barstool going, lol...
Thanks for embedding the pic! That open hand, the smile, the frick me eyes..... While Ronnie is powering up to 9000.....fookin legend!...
[quote]It only gets better.[/quote] It really does! She clearly has the look of someone in mortal danger that needs defending.... [link=(http://imgur.com/gallery/ClJVjpC)]LINK[/link]...
Ok I'll add a couple more thoughts: 1. We were supposed to be a tandem. Enough has been said about that. None of those events even entered this guy's mind. This is why we can't have nice things. 2. Our float theme was Rio. What was in front of our float? The statue of Christ the Redeemer. You...
I need to load just the freeze frame of the very start of the video. His girl is absolutely eating up all the attention. Everything about this is the stuff of OT legend. ...
Might want to rethink letting him off the leash after you see the ferocity with which Ronnie goes after the tractor.... [link=(http://imgur.com/a/RJ7gP2q)]LINK[/link] Edit: apparently you can't embed imgur stuff? Anyway, video is from a guy who rode in front of us. Enjoy. Should really add...