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re: Chris Christie vs Trump..

Posted by Eurocat on 7/25/24 at 1:10 pm
Because he worked his arse off as head of Trumps last transition chief and at the last minute when everything had been done, Jared and Steve Bannon said, "nah, we will take it from here" and instead of some pretty good people ended up hiring others who failed. It's all in his autobiography that w...
That is not what a strict constitutional reading of the text says. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twenty-second_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution#:~:text=The%20Twenty%2Dsecond%20Amendment%20(Amendment,unexpired%20terms%20of%20their%20predecessors. The Twenty-second Amendment (Amendm...

re: RFK Dropping out?

Posted by Eurocat on 7/24/24 at 11:34 pm
Kinda funny when you consider what Trump was saying about him 90 days ago! [link=(https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/112340329782516692)]LINK[/link] @realDonaldTrump RFK Jr. is a Democrat “Plant,” a Radical Left Liberal who’s been put in place in order to help Crooked Joe Biden, t...
No you are wrong. He camnot RUN for p or vp but he can serve as in the svenario I outlined....
Barry could serve as President if he was named spesker of the house and the p and vp died or stepped down....
You can get a DO at Harvard Med. Yale. Vanderbilt. Etc. Its not a quack degree....
Perhaps, but her death had nothing to do with todays hearing....
Okay, flip it around. Trump announces JDVance two months ago. Camapaigns with him, etc. Then - tragedy - Trump has to go whether by another attack or a health emergency or whatever. It is now three weeks until the convention. Would you expect the GOP to nominate Vance or ask for chaos at a...
Nobody has been disenfranchised any more than if a candidate died after going through the primaries but dropped dead before the convention and then the party would obviously choose someone else. Essentially this is what happened hear. I think the dramatic drop in Biden's abilities since his state...

re: Sheila Jackson Lee is dead

Posted by Eurocat on 7/20/24 at 1:48 am
According to The Daily Beast, Jackson Lee had a "history of wild statements" and political gaffes. These include incorrectly stating that the U.S. Constitution was 400 years old. Displaying a false version of the Confederate battle flag during a Congressional debate. Mistakenly criticizing...

re: No tax on tips

Posted by Eurocat on 7/19/24 at 1:21 am
[quote]Because most servers get paid almost nothing in hourly wages. Surely you aren’t this clueless. [/quote] So, should other low paid people also not be taxed on their income, like, say, school crossing guards? Oh wait, they aren't! Neither are most waiters and waitresses who make under 3...

re: No tax on tips

Posted by Eurocat on 7/19/24 at 12:17 am
IMO no tax on tips is just a Trump attempt at a cheap vote getter. Exactly like Biden forgiving Student Loans. Why should a waitress not pay taxes on tips where a poorly paid person working retail who does not get tips (like a cashier at a big box store) have to pay? Don't give me an argum...

re: CNN tried to call speech rambling

Posted by Eurocat on 7/19/24 at 12:05 am
[quote]You’d know this is how he delivers speeches [/quote] He delivered his state of the unions in a far more organized, point by point, slow build to a big great finish. He was a great state of the union speech giver. He should have used those talents this time. He DID ramble, repeated the...
A 5 * Entry with the TRUMP in lights behind him was funny and corny and made me laugh (in a good way). * First minute or so was good. * Next 25 or so he talked about the attack, but in a very disjointed, disorganized way. Repeated himself the way he tends to do (which weakens the punch of t...
[quote]I see no rational argument for dropping out of the race but also staying on as president.[/quote] First off LBJ said, "I will not run again" and stayed on. Second Biden can just say "Look, I think I can run and win, so do many others, but after this COVID thing, my medical team has said...
If he resigns both, Kamala Harris becomes President, gets the 300 million their campaign has raised, and gets all the benefits of incumbency making her a much tougher opponent. If you think that is a good idea, maybe you should convince the Bidens to do that....