Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:44
Registered on:12/28/2019
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote]She gets aggressive when she doesn't have an adequate response. Stunted emotional intelligence[/quote] A) I wasn't speaking to him and he literally calling himself a hogger in his username B) It's quite peculiar that you and the Angel baby keep referring to me in the third-person C) ...
[quote]So explain why those same people can't or don't want to pay their student loans suddenly?[/quote] Were we speaking, pig f*cker? ...
[quote]ignorant pathetic views. but I do wonder why she lurked for so long? did her BF she was stalking quit posting here?[/quote] I thought all viewpoints were welcome here, Angel. Backpedaling on that now? Has it not crossed your mind that I was once a student at LSU? Perhaps I had (and stil...
[quote]Why do you guys bother? You are dealing with a miserable, lonely person that has a massive inferiority complex so she tries to feel empowered and significant by trolling. I feel sorry for her. We all should.[/quote] Wow! How do you know so much about me? ??...
[quote]So you call it a cesspool but you're proud of it lol?[/quote] I said I was proud of myself. [quote]Please help me I understand BLM? You cool with decentralizing the idea of the western nuclear family? Are you married? Have kids?[/quote] Are you asking me for a lesson on racial ineq...
[quote]okay I am reverting back to a fat yankee chick vibe for sure. you typed all that to call me stupid; and are obviously so insecure, you must pimp your affluent education and type all perfect in grammar. feel important?[/quote] Nah. I'm simply bored and know I can push buttons here and enter...
[quote]That cesspool contributed to the person you are today. You cool with BLM?[/quote] It absolutely did help make me who I am and I'm proud to have had the privilege and opportunity to pull myself out of it. Yes, I understand and support BLM. ...
[quote]or maybe you are just too educated for us deplorables[/quote] I mean... [link=(https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/11/03/us/elections/exit-polls-president.amp.html%3f0p19G=2103)]education attainment along party lines[/link]...
[quote]Are you amenable to sharing the description of your doctorate?[/quote] I prefer not to, sir. I enjoy my anonymity here. Thank you for asking nicely. ...
[quote]16 years[/quote] Clearly you also need help with your mathematics. Can I make a recommendation to begin with kindergarten? Perhaps you can catch up with the democrat prog filth woman in a few decades. Probably not, though. You are the spawn of someone willing to name their child the Fr...
[quote]Doctor of Victorian Era English Literature[/quote] No...
[quote] you do put off a yankee fat chick vibe, just sayin. are you a real doctor or a Jill Biden doctor? [/quote] My vibe is fed up with the hate fueled, racist pestulence this board has been spewing for ages. I just can't wait to see all the white nationalist snowflakes melt as the shite rise...
[quote]Neither is grammar[/quote] Where is the grammatical error, mouthbreather? ...
[quote]Nailed it. Damn I'm good.[/quote] Not at all. Just keep fluffing yourself. I'm sure eventually you'll get something right. [quote] So what you are saying is..you are assigning meaning to what you think they were saying as opposed to what they actually said. So that would make you the t...
[quote]You sound fat.[/quote] You sound incel. ...
[quote]suck my dick you commie count.[/quote] No thanks. I'd prefer not to get an STD from an inchworm. I do truly appreciate your kind offer, however, Mr. Ramrod (compensation much)....
[quote]How old are you? Do you combine bangs with the Karen haircut? I've heard that's how you hide your receding hairline.[/quote] My age and appearance are none of your concern. [quote] Can you show me where Trump told people to riot and that we needed to overthrow democracy? Do you conside...
[quote]childish[/quote] Yep. Intentionally. Like I said, I'm having a great time. ...