Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Midwest, USA
Interests:Old cars and guitars
Number of Posts:54460
Registered on:12/13/2019
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[quote]Mommy milk + Mayor money = new firm ones[/quote] I wouldn't think being the mayor of DeRidder would pay very well ...
[quote]We (society) are naturally more protective of teenage girls than teenage boys. But right or wrong, that’s kind of a different conversation.[/quote] I was told it's much easier to be a white man in America ...
The company I work for asked for my salary expectation during the interview process then offered me $20k more than I asked for. ...
[quote]What are you contributing to society? And that’s why adults don’t play video games. Adults are strapped for time with family, job, board meetings, and church commitments. Maybe a little vacation. We help to build a good life for others, and are rewarded by the nature of the work. You’l...
[quote]I transitioned fine. Others weren't so lucky. I have a few friends from our time over there who suffer from PTSD. I also have some of those same people who went over a 2nd/3rd time[/quote] Before I started looking into this, I didn't realize how many people served multiple tours, it's craz...
It just feels very improbable that Mizzou will beat Alabama on the road, A&M on the road, Oklahoma at home, and someone (probably Georgia) in Atlanta. ...
I used to find myself doing it when I was younger, mostly in situations where I knew where the other person was going in their statement and I was already replying. I've tried to work hard at not doing it :lol: ...
[quote]I was stationed on an old Republican Guard training post west of the Baghdad Airport. Log Base Seitz.You could see the town of Abu Ghraib from our towers. We got shelled nearly daily. By the grace of God we brought everyone back but the other units there with us weren't as lucky. Lost a co...
[quote]Everyone was scared of gas at the time, but ready to roll, so the mood around me was 'nervous euphoria.' The saying is cliche, but the feeling of 'belonging to something larger than yourself' was completely intoxicating. [/quote] Didn't you guys wear those camo hazmat suits or whatever the ...
[quote]Then you would have never met Special Ed. It all works itself out in the end.[/quote] Would prefer 6 or 7 natties ...
[quote]You just said you understand why Coach Saban would chase his dream.[/quote] I do but he should've just stayed and realized he wasn't an NFL coach. ...
[quote]Coach Saban did more than chase his dreams to Tuscaloosa, he caught up with them.[/quote] Should have just stayed in Baton Rouge. :nana: ...
[quote]while watching their former coach bring home 6 titles and competing for more every season has to be difficult to process.[/quote] It isn't really difficult to process, just frustrating that he could have stayed at LSU. But I understand people wanting to chase their dreams also. ...
[quote]Just tread lightly when making rash generalizations based on Monday morning quarterbacking. You can't judge history too harshly through the lens of modernity. 9/11 was hands down the scariest event of my lifetime, and I was in LA when it happened. It was a collective trauma by Americans, a...
I have nothing but respect for the veterans. I also don't feel like any of those who were killed died in vain, they were doing the best that they could considering the circumstances. To me, when you have people who have signed up and are willing to defend this country to their possible death, th...
[quote]This is such an oversimplified, dumbed down version of reality that has basically just become accepted as fact. If you want stories and experiences from GWOT vets, don't insult us.[/quote] I don't mean to insult vets in the least, the vets themselves (in most cases) were extremely brave an...
If they would have left the Iraqi military intact as well as the leadership structure (sans Saddam and his cronies), the country may have survived. Paul Bremer made some massive miscalculations there. You can't make a country like Iraq into a democracy, it's impossible. ...
Have been watching a lot of documentaries about 9/11 and the subsequent War on Terror. I was 8 on 9/11 so I remember all of these things but obviously didn't grasp the details. One weird thing for me was how being at war felt "normal" during my childhood but now that some time has passed, it'...
There is no hate like that between an Aggie and an ex Aggie coach. ...
[quote]8-4[/quote] [quote]I love the fact that the absolute floor for our program is essentially the ceiling for yours under Brian Kelly. [/quote] How can 8-4 be the ceiling for LSU under Brian Kelly when he's exceeded that in every season at LSU? Are you actually retarded? :lol: Also,...