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Registered on:9/1/2007
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[quote]Wtf was SS even doing? watching..[/quote] And waiting...... ...
[quote]“I dropped out? Of what?”[/quote] Obviously a coconut tree..... ...

re: Harris arrives at campaign hq

Posted by LSUmomma on 7/22/24 at 4:41 pm
[quote]How were these employees assembled and hired so promptly[/quote] I'm assuming they are leftovers from Biden. And what a cattle call for DEI, soy based, auto-offended, self proclaimed victims in that room. ICKY...... ...
Why does this woman seem so shocked that people are asking her why she hasn't done her damn job?? I mean , nothing says "I was a token appointment" like not taking any responsibility for your job requirements. ...
[quote]He spoke for 1 hour 50 minutes[/quote] Same as Biden's daytime nap...
[quote] No worries. Honest mistake.[/quote] Is it a mistake that NO ONE ever says FORMER President Obama???...
That poor woman could not scamper off the stage and away from creepy Joe fast enough. She had the look of someone who had just barely escaped being mugged. ...

re: Water Tower Shooter Thread

Posted by LSUmomma on 7/18/24 at 11:02 am
Depends on how slopey the platform of the water tower is...... ...
I've recently discovered we have Newsmax. Admittedly, I haven't watched any regular news or news channel in a long time, but feel the draw to watch this convention. Hopefully lots more are similarly re-vitalized. Should I watch on Newsmax? Or elsewhere? ...
I mean even with his head tilt, the fact that a bullet basically grazed his ear and didn't still clip the outer edge of his skull is a damn miracle. I've been a nurse for 36 years, most of them in ICU for a major trauma center, and don't think I've ever seen sure death skirted like that. ...
[quote]OLD, WORTHLESS Republicans NOT wanted at the Convention[/quote] Re-ammended...

Adam Schiff now publicly

Posted by LSUmomma on 7/17/24 at 12:28 pm
Calling for Joetato to bow out. Dims in disarray is just poetry in motion. ...
So.... No terms limits for leaches like him and all the other crypt keepers ( of BOTH parties) in Congress where people are elected? But yes for the highest court in the land?? Where they are appointment for life in order to TRY and balance the powers of government. Damn, Joe. You're a asini...
Were there 2 shots that close to his head?!? And then the 3rd further off?...
[quote] If you are using her to denote acceptance of some unproductive lifestyle then I would not support it =[/quote] Not sure why it wasn't clear that I am specifically NOT calling for acceptance of an immoral lifestyle. The beginning of my post was meant to show that a change has to happe...
[quote]hmm, seems like I remember someone else welcoming sinners, thieves and prostitutes to their events.[/quote] With an emphasis on them coming "following", "being changed" as opposed to the concept of being "included" as is and just validated in their ways. She was there, says she has bee...
[quote]I went back and watched the video of that ginger witness. He says bear climbing up the roof, which I take to mean up the pitch of the roof - not up the side of the building to get on top the roof.[/quote] That's what I heard on the video too. They said climbing up the ROOF... So he could ...
It's one of the other... The blank stare or the wacky eyes...
Well, yeah--- one thing that could certainly make this Biden DEI-minstration look even more inept after this weekend would be to lose another Kennedy after refusing to protect him. Can you imagine?!?!?!?...

re: Don Jr just shewed MSDNC away

Posted by LSUmomma on 7/15/24 at 3:16 pm
[quote]The outrage over the "family separation policy"[/quote] Can't you just hear their little cockroach feet scrambling around looking for something ANYTHING to try and revive the Orange Man Bad scenario?!?!? Frick 'em and the lying, gaslight train they rode in on. ...